There was too damned much going on inside John's head: the books he'd caught the boys with, Sharon, the baby, a guilt that he'd long ago shoved aside creeping up so persistently that he didn't know how much longer he could ignore it. But sometimes a man had to have his secrets, didn't he? They didn't say 'ignorance is bliss' for nothin'.
Instead of dwelling on certain things better left unsaid, wondering exactly what had been in the pages of all those books at Dean and Sam's feet, worrying about how the hell this was all gonna work out (or not) with Sharon,John put himself to work.
Back when the island had been giving everyone presents, John hadn't exactly been overlooked. He'd been given a Vespa -- a very
appropriate Vespa, complete with two helmets. The thing was solar powered, which had given John cause to scratch his head a moment over how that was possible when solar power energy hadn't been a blip on the radar back in the 1950's. He hadn't wasted too much time over that one, though, and had quickly scouted out a good hiding spot for it in the jungle.
But now the weather was nice, John needed a distraction, and so he was currently building what would eventually be a garage just a few feet away from the hut. The Vespa was no longer in its hiding spot, parked outside the front of the hut with the helmets and the weaponry proudly on display. Grunting a little, John swung an ax he'd borrowed and split a log in two.