If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go

May 06, 2009 01:31

Zack had tried to forget things. He'd been so emotional when he hadn't been himself that he was over compensating and keeping it all inside. He didn't want to put the burden of his guilt on his friends, his family, anymore than he had already. Ironically, making him even more like Cloud. Or was it that Cloud was more like him in that way?

So on Wednesday morning, he'd gotten up early and started with squats. He'd done them until the sun started to peak out and streak across the sea. He'd moved on to the compound for early breakfast. He wanted to avoid people for the moment. He needed this time for himself. After a light breakfast and making himself a snack, he'd headed out again for a leisurely patrol.

He went by the Large Waterfall and then cut across to the edge of dinosaur territory. Heading first for the IPD Outpost as a destination and then heading along the outside border to the beach. Finally he walked along the beach, back toward the hut.

By the time he made it back home, it was late morning, almost afternoon. His head was feeling a lot more clear, but he wasn't ready to call it a day. There was still plenty of daylight left.

Taking out the Buster Sword, he started practicing. Forms at first. Different stances and then different thrusts. Taking it up a notch, he worked in his flips and embellished his thrusts with a quick twist of the wrist here or there to twirl the sword in his hand.

This was so much easier than contemplating talking to Aeris again. Or worrying about what he'd done and couldn't change. Zack could handle war and fighting and laugh it off. It was the psychological damages, the things he couldn't take some sort of action to correct that always got to him. But he knew how to deal with those too. In SOLDIER, he learned that you don't run from conflict. You face it head on and deal with it.

[OOC: He's working off his frustrations. Great time, as always, to meet him. All Tags Welcome!]

roxas, kristine kochanski, zack fair, summer roberts, zell dincht

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