
Apr 30, 2009 08:38

I was in a real goddamn good mood when I woke up this morning, and that's thanks to one woman. Maybe I'll find her again today, maybe someone else. Who knows. I'm a good-looking guy in my twenties, I'm in incredible shape, what woman in her right mind wouldn't want me ( Read more... )

plot: opposite plot, brooke davis, rogue, richard winters, briony tallis, donna troy, harry welsh, sharon agathon, bathsheba hart

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realnicetrip April 30 2009, 18:05:28 UTC
Harry slouched along, hands in pockets. Nothing was capable of shaking him from his despondent mood. For one thing, he wouldn't allow it. Being happy in a world so grim and dark and depressing made no sense at all.

Despite all that, though, something in his heart lifted a little at seeing Winters. He could trust Winters, at least, to never let him down. Hang on a second, was he smoking? And drinking?

Harry would have marched right on over there and smacked the offending items right out of that bad, awful man's hand, but for the fact that he didn't dare make a scene. Instead, he stood there, aghast, and placed his hands on his hips.

"Richard Winters, I am very disappointed in you."


not_a_quaker April 30 2009, 19:56:59 UTC
"The fuck you talking about, Harry?" Jesus Christ, the man looks like a nagging housewife, standing like that. And here I was thinking he'd be saying about time.


realnicetrip April 30 2009, 20:40:30 UTC
And swearing, too. Harry felt a lump form in his throat again. Couldn't he rely on anyone on this hideous island?

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself," he said. "Slouching around like some common bum. Whatever will the men think if they see one of their officers in a state like that?"


not_a_quaker April 30 2009, 22:15:31 UTC
I give a lazy shrug with one shoulder. "Oh, I don't know," I reply around my cigarette. "Maybe they'll think I've finally loosened up a little? You're the one's always telling me I should."


realnicetrip April 30 2009, 22:34:59 UTC
Harry frowned. That didn't seem like the sort of thing he'd say at all.

"Loosen up? We have a responsibility to set an example. The last thing we ought to be is... loose."

Okay, maybe this was hypocritical given that he'd recently let one of the men catch him crying and retaliated by trying to upset him, but then, people ought to respect his sensitive emotional state. He wandered over and picked up the bottle, gave it an experimental sniff, and reeled away from the smell.

"Goodness me, what's in this? You'll poison yourself, you know. I really should confiscate it for your own good."


not_a_quaker May 1 2009, 06:13:44 UTC
Jesus fuckin' Christ on a bicycle, now he's taking my booze. "It's whiskey, and you're not confiscating anything, Lieutenant," I say, an emphasis on his rank as I hold out my hand for the bottle. Sure, it doesn't really make a difference here and I couldn't really care less, but it's still respected among the men and if I have to pull rank, I damn well will.


realnicetrip May 1 2009, 13:57:27 UTC
Harry's hand shook. He was very tempted to pour the whiskey out onto the ground. It would have been the right thing to do. But Dick had reminded him of his position, and well, he knew his place.

"Okay, Major," Harry said, defeated, and disdainfully held the bottle out. "If you say so." He sighed. "This isn't like you, though. Is something wrong? Do you want to talk about it? Maybe sharing your feelings would help."


not_a_quaker May 1 2009, 16:32:27 UTC
I roll my eyes and take a swig from the bottle before setting it down beside me. "No, I don't want to talk about it," I reply, annoyed. "And I don't want to share my goddamn feelings. Seems to me like you're the one with something wrong, Harry. Since when do you frown upon booze?"


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