Saffron had never owned a pet. She remembered wanting one when she'd been younger, a pretty little cat in a shop window that had practically begged to come home with her - or at least that's what it had seemed like to Saffron, back when she was young and innocent and her real name was still what she answered to. But her parents had said no, and that had been the only time she'd asked, not terrible long after becoming too interested in boys and fine things to care.
She supposed the closest thing she'd had to a pet were the horses, but they were such a vague memory, from her early childhood, that she wasn't sure whether they'd been her family's or someone else's, or maybe even just something she'd seen one bright day on a visit and the memory'd just stuck with her all those years. Whatever they'd been, she'd carried a love of horses with her, all through her life.
On the island, so many folks seemed to have some kind of pet or companion, everything from cats to horses to those giant things called direwolves. There were even a few rabbits, and one of those rabbits was with Saffron that afternoon while his owner was in class. It was a little on the warm side, but not terrible hot, so she'd gone outside for a bit, but stayed close to the Compound, and had made sure Playboy was getting plenty of water. He'd seemed content for the most part to stay snuggled against her shoulder - or her cleavage, if you wanted to get technical - but he'd also wanted to explore, which was why she was letting him hop around the rec room. She was sitting on the floor cross-legged and he stayed fairly close, sniffing at things and occasionally coming back to get a sip of the water or a nibble of the little bowl of carrots and broccoli she had for him.
"You're a hungry one today, aren't you?" she murmured to the bunny, petting his soft fur as he rubbed his chin against her thigh. Bunnysitting was definitely one favor Saffron didn't have a problem with.
[Timed to 5-6:30 this afternoon/evening.
Playboy belongs to Lloyd Henreid; Saffron's just bunnysitting while he's in class. They can be elsewhere on the ground floor or outside close to the Compound, if you'd prefer. If outside, she's definitely holding the rabbit. ST fine as always, open for new tags through Monday.]