(no subject)

Feb 23, 2009 15:10

“Be nice to the clothing box, he said. Talk sweet to the clothing box. This is so ridiculous!” She’d tried being nice to the damn thing and all it had done was smart-ass her in return. Dinah threw aside yet another superhero t-shirt and was about three seconds away from screaming. What did it think she was? Some kind of Justice League groupie or something? All she wanted were a few decent things to wear and this stupid magic box was acting like a spoiled child with a really shitty sense of humor. Plus, she’d never even heard of some of these people. The X-men?! What a ridiculous name for a team. She threw the latest one on top of the ever growing pile of novelty shirts on the floor.

“Come on. This isn’t the least bit funny anymore. In fact, it’s bordering on completely humiliating. Why can’t you just give me one decent thing to wear?! Or how about a pair of fishnets? I’d be really happy with a new pair of fishnets,” she added in something of a singsong. She really was giving this her best shot.

Reaching in for yet another go, she came out with the worst one so far. “Lex Luthor?! Oh, I have so had it with you! Is that supposed to be some kind of a joke?” Pushing her way to her feet she let go with an angry cry and began kicking the clothing box with all of her might. If it wasn’t going to give up the goods, then she’d sure as hell make it pay.

(OOC: Come meet a very annoyed Black Canary in the midst of assaulting the clothing box. Please see this post for more info. Everyone welcome!)

polly o'keefe, dinah lance, sean cassidy, kon-el, meg murry

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