With Isabel gone and Angie, Coraline was fast running out of female grown ups to ask about breasts. She'd thought about asking Doctor Brennan but she'd probably end up using big long words that Coraline wouldn't remotely understand and whilst Doctor Brennan's scientic and detached demeanor was helpful she didn't think in this case it would help her
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"I wouldn't give you shoes if you'd yelled at me like that, I'd probably give you buttons." Coraline said, giving the girl a small smile. "Though it would probably love the Salvation Army bin especially if Mister Harold was playing his tuba there. Harold's a character on a television show called Neighbours, my mum loves it-loved it."
Coraline picked up a bra holding it curiously as she tried to figure out which way it went and how to do up the fiddly clasps over her clothes.
"Yes, I know," I replied, smiling at her mild rebuke. "Yelling at things gets you nowhere. But it feels good sometimes." Then, gently, I asked, "Is this your first time looking for a bra?"
Coraline might have tried one of the bigger bras on and it just looked silly, though it was a good place to have pockets she could hide all sorts in their- weapons, food, water, maps.
"Would you like some help?" I asked. "I'm Polly, by the way."
I sift through the mass of fabric, all shapes, sizes and colours. "Well," I said, holding up the crotch-less panties in disdain. "Stuff like this is right out. You probably want something small, white and, most importantly, comfortable. _Anything_ look promising?" I peer at the piles.
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