With Isabel gone and Angie, Coraline was fast running out of female grown ups to ask about breasts. She'd thought about asking Doctor Brennan but she'd probably end up using big long words that Coraline wouldn't remotely understand and whilst Doctor Brennan's scientic and detached demeanor was helpful she didn't think in this case it would help her
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"Jesus Christ, man, both of our heads could fit in this one," he said as he picked up one of the bras she'd discovered, holding it up in amazement.
"Some women have very large... chests," Coraline said looking at the floor with interest. It was true that it could house both their heads and Coraline did find it amusing but at the same time horribly mortifying. She'd rather face the Other Mother then talk about her...bits.
Because Edmund was the bees knees, the dogs bollocks and the cats pyjamas as far as Coraline was concerned. "
So he'd told Chris. And then he'd told Gordon. And then Gordon had told Lennox's mom anyway, so it hadn't really helped him in the long run.
"I bet we could find you a girl to help if you wanted. I know she wouldn't be your mom, but she'd probably be more helpful than me," he pointed out as he tugged a sparkly purple bra from the pile and put it on over his shirt. "I don't even know what size I wear."
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