As the days went by and the rain still did not stop, Serena wouldn't let the weather prevent her from going outdoors. Coming back in soaking wet despite raincoat and umbrella seemed to teach her nothing. Still she went out every day
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"I would like to get by," Enjolras informed whoever was rummaging in the open closet as he stood behind the door that was blocking a good part of the corridor.
With a badminton birdie in one hand and a bouncy ball in the other, Serena poked her head around the door. "Ooh, sorry," she said. Nudging a horse shoe back into the closet with her toe, she stepped out of the way and closed the door. "Désolée."
"Ah, bien, merci, bien," Serena said merrily. "Il y avait trop de pluie, je crois, mais... et toi?" If she couldn't find a game to play, a person to talk to was just as good to keep her entertained.
"Pas mal," Enjolras replied, though it wasn't entirely true. Confusion was fast becoming the overriding emotion in his life, though he'd done his best to ignore it. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" he asked, waving a hand at the assorted equipment.
"Ah, rien," Serena said with a shake of her head. "C'est seulement que je cherches quelque chose à faire avec l'après-midi. La pluie fait que je ne peux venir dehors, et c'est ennuyeux."
"Ah, je comprends," Enjolras said, nodding. "Mais, il y ont plusieurs d'activités en dedans, non?" He wasn't terribly bothered by the wet weather they'd been having--he simply spent more time reading.
Serena couldn't help it - a sound escaped from her then that could only be described as a giggle. "Oui," she said cheerfully. "Je crois que j'ai trouvé des choses à faire, mais mon copain deviendra fou si nous passons plusieurs de temps ensemble."
Enjolras' eyebrow rose. "Ton copain? Tu as un copain? Alors, tu comprends l'amour bien?" Already he was becoming nervous at the change of subject, but he had to talk to someone, and the person he would usually go to...impossible in this case.
Well, that was an interesting development - enough so, even, to distract her a little from the content of the question. Serena wasn't so sure she knew the first thing about love. "Um... ouais, un peu," she allowed with a shrug. "Ah, c'est à dire oui, j'ai un copain, et je... je l'adore, mais l'amour -" She stopped herself with a little exhalation, distracted. "Qu'est-ce que c'est passé?"
Enjolras exhaled, uncomfortable asking about this. "Peux-tu me dire comment...sais-tu si quelqu'un t'aime?" He grimaced as the words left his mouth, feeling like a fool for even speaking them.
After a moment's thought, Serena made sure the closet was securely closed and started to the kitchen, guiding Enjolras by the elbow. This was not a standing in the hallway kind of a conversation. "Ça depends," she said, shaking her head. Everyone handled it differently, after all. "Il y a des gens qui ne le montre jamais, et on pour qui tout le monde le sait."
Enjolras suppressed a groan and began pacing as they reached the kitchen, already having second thoughts about talking to Serena--to anyone--about this. "Ça n'a pas d'importance," he muttered, shaking his head. It was unfair of him, but he blamed Jack Harkness for much of the mess he was currently in. If it hadn't been for that damn weekend, none of this would be an issue.
"Non, non," Serena corrected quickly, spinning to face him. "Je suis désolée, mais - c'est simplement que je n'étais jamais amoureuse. Tu sais? J'avais un copain chez moi et maintenant, j'ai un autre, et je l'adore complètement, absolument, mais l'amour? Je ne sais pas, c'est si compliqué. Comment sais-tu quand c'est - n'importe quoi, ce n'est pas important, désolée... Si tu n'est pas certain, peut-être tu as besoin simplement de prendre l'hazard et dit quelque chose. Il n'y est d'autre moyen d'être absolument certain."
The thought of simply going to Combeferre and confessing to the confused feelings he had with no idea how they would be received made Enjolras feel rather ill. "Je ne sais pas si c'est l'amour," he confessed quietly, "Mais...peut-être tu as raison. Je peux lui parler et demande il me dire son sentiment." He had faced la Garde National without flinching, surely he could handle a simple conversation with his best friend.
"Peut-être tu as besoin de l'essaier en avant que tu peux savoir si c'est l'amour," Serena mused. She only knew she hadn't yet figured it out, that she was half afraid of ever doing so. It was a bit of a surprise to hear Enjolras say 'lui,' but one she took readily in stride. "Au moins, si tu le dirais, tu saurais la verité."
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