The rain seemed never ending, but that never stopped Ellie from doing anything before. She'd found decent clothing for the weather - umbrella included - earlier that week. It made for an actual pleasant walk most days when she could enjoy the weather without being soaked by the time she got to the Compound
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He smelled the donuts on his way to the stairs, and wasn't surprised at all to see that Ellie was the culprit.
"Hey! Donuts!" Chuck said, eyes immediately on the pastries before he looked up to acknowledge his sister there, "Donuts...and Ellie. But mostly Ellie."
She was pretty sure she didn't even have to ask.
Especially if it meant doughnuts. Or pretty much anything that Ellie'd made.
They seemed easy enough - it'd just take putting tiny boxes together and decorating the outside. It wouldn't be exactly the same, but she thought she could figure a way to make it close.
"Those are like party favors, right? Stickers, noisemakers...?" He asked.
"I don't know, sis," He said, "They seem pretty simple to me. You know, if we could find some cardboard or something."
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