The rain seemed never ending, but that never stopped Ellie from doing anything before. She'd found decent clothing for the weather - umbrella included - earlier that week. It made for an actual pleasant walk most days when she could enjoy the weather without being soaked by the time she got to the Compound
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"My mother used to make donuts on Sunday morning for my dad to have with his coffee," she said, brow furrowed just a bit like she'd just remembered that piece of information. It, at least, got Jack smiling in the wee hours of the morning. She started the coffee by rinsing the pot out, filling the tank with a full pot's worth of water and carefully measuring out the grounds for what would become the best damn pot of coffee she'd ever make.
It was a ratio thing.
She watched the coffee start to drip.
"This is the first time I'm trying this recipe," she replied. It had sounded good, at least, which was what led Ellie to make the food in the first place. "There'll be extra once they come out of the oven, if you want some."
"Oh come on," she grumbled. "Don't deny me coffee."
"Need some help?" she asked. She'd fought with the machine plenty of times herself, having a morning clinic shift like she did each week. Coffee had been near a requirement that day for her.
"Could you take those out for me?" she asked. She had her hands full just then.
There was drip action going on, anyway. Whether or not that meant good coffee would follow was the question.
She kept her eye on the drip and was satisfied there weren't any ground in it yet -- which would mean she'd have to start it all over again. It was a total waste if coffee, but you just can't drink coffee with grounds in it. It's like...drinking sand.
Reese wrapped her hand around the mug and took a careful sip that turned into a sigh of pleasure.
"Got lucky. It's still good coffee despite the interruption."
"I've gotten used to most things around here," she said, conversationally. "How long have you been on the island? I've been here - well, it's nearing a year, now."
"I still keep waking up expecting to be home, though," she murmured into her coffee. "As odd as it sounds, this damn place is getting to feel almost normal. Wake up confused, go to bed even more confused, rinse and repeat."
Even when the island could change her into a Ghostbuster for a few days.
There were so many variables that she didn't have yet, and how she was going to get them still wasn't obvious. It made things just a little more stressful.
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