The gray in the sky boded ill for outdoor activity. In truth, Morgan did not mind. She had tried basketball yesterday with Daniel, and her elbow and knee joints felt sore with the unaccustomed strain of jumping and throwing. It hardly merited a visit to the clinic, but an afternoon spent resting could not hurt.
At least, it could not hurt her body. She still resented the limitations it imposed on her, but unless her meditation yielded more fruit than it had, she was stuck with it. That she had not been as diligent about her meditation and seclusion as she might be did occasionally enter her mind, but she worked hard to ignore the awareness that it was fear she might fail that kept her from it.
Today that awareness sank politely to the bottom of the still pool of her emotions. If she must be corporeal in a world without nanotechnology and holography, Tabula Rasa was hardly the worst place she might imagine, not least because of the people. Even though she had not discovered her role among them, they were still kind and welcoming for the most part.
None of which answered the question of how to spend her afternoon. The bookshelf did that. It rearranged its offerings to such as she had no interest in: The Extreme Makeover, My Real Style: A Makeover Journal, Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women's Lives. The last had her stifling a pained laugh. She dared not open it, for fear of being one of the archetypes in question.
After watching and, not perhaps, enjoying, but at least being educated by the horror film she had watched with Logan earlier in the week -- and with Grease, The Wizard of Oz, and The Great Outdoors "under her belt" as Cameron might say -- Morgan thought film reels might be less objectionable. She gathered the three reels the bookshelf presented her with Pretty Woman, My Fair Lady, and
The last being the most mysterious, Morgan put it on first. After ten thousand years, very little surprised her. Nevertheless, this...Madonna's...sylphlike self-reinvention and absolutely shameless sensuality did have her eyes a little wide. And the music, if you could call it that, made her alternately want to dance and hide. But she absolutely could not look away.
Find Morgan watching any Madonna video that suits you, your pup, or their relationship. If you want me to choose, just let me know in the tag somehow. Come mock. It's Friday. LT/ST/any kind of Ts at all!