Nick Stokes finds himself awake in a strange hut in a strange woman's body that seems to do things like make strange miniatures and have a strange freaking baby elephant. Do you think this whole experience was a little, erm, strange for Nick? The answer would be yes. With no clue as to his identity, he sets out to find Karen and his body, but instead
comes across Warrick. Warrick, who seems to already know the woman... and the woman? Well, she doesn't seem to mind the attention, much to Nick's chagrin.
He eventually
makes his way to Karen's hut, and after warring with the Lady's instincts for a while, manages to let Karen know that he was stuck inside this crazy lady. With an elephant. Did we mention the elephant?
Dated to August 15, the first day of Bodyswitch 2.0. Rated PG for some language, an ill-advised kiss, and hilarious awkwardness.