
Aug 16, 2008 13:18

Abby had been a guy for about a day now. Well, she'd been a guy before, but before she'd actually been in her own body, just with different equipment. This? Was definitely not her body. She'd realized that about the time she'd woken up in a hut by a stream when she distinctly recalled going to sleep curled up against Tim in a way that probably ( Read more... )

charlie crews, delirium, abby sciuto, tim mcgee, plot: bodyswitch, bran davies, sarah jane smith, eostre, olive snook, dani reese

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endlessdel August 16 2008, 23:15:22 UTC
"dEE-EE-ELL-eYe-argh-Eye-yOU-Em. DeE-EEE-ELL-EYe-ARGH-hi Not bROthER." Delirium said walking into the lab. She was trying to memorize her name, she kept forgetting it but she remembered she had to see Abby (Ay-Bee-Bee-WHy) and then she had to see Rob (aRGH-oH-Bee). So she had gone to the lab expecting to see Abby but had found one of her not brothers. Not Bill, wrong hair but the other one who lived on the island. "yOU'Re in THe wROng PLACE, aBBY is suPPOsed to bE heRe nOT YOU. uNLESS yoU'Re not noT-bROther and aRE SOMeonE ELse instead. thEN hi oTHer person PRetending to be nOT Brother."


zenish_moment August 17 2008, 01:42:36 UTC
"Abby is here," she replied. "Well, Abby's consciousness is here, anyway. Her body is I don't know where, but I'm sure it's somewhere, because everything is somewhere and something is everywhere."

There went the Zen. This person sort of thought Del was strange but interesting, which was pretty much the standard reaction to Delirium.


endlessdel August 17 2008, 01:50:36 UTC
"oH hi ABigaiL, yEAH THey're trickY Like that. i uSED TO HAVe to pUT a LeasH on miNE OR...thAT couLD have bEEN A DOggiE." Delirium said giggling at Abby's zen. Or Charlie's zen filtered via Abby but exiting Charlie's mouth. At least this month she got to keep her insanity. "buT noThing is nOWherE AND evERYWhERe aLL at ONcE. His fACe mAKes me sad sometimES, i waNT ABby BODy back. it HAS CURVes and smiLES AND HaiR AND tatToos. i Like abBY body."


zenish_moment August 17 2008, 01:55:37 UTC
"Can you put a leash on something insubstantial? Can you define something indefinable?" she asked rhetorically. Maybe if she tilted her head to the side and shook it the Zen proverbs would fall out or something.

"And I would like my body back too, eventually, although this one's not bad. It has an addiction to fruit and doesn't like coffee nearly as much as I do, but it's not bad."


endlessdel August 17 2008, 10:04:13 UTC
"yES, i uSED TO CArrY ARound a niGHTMARe oN A STriNG. hE was BeaUTifuL, Dream gaVe Him ME and hE WAS insuBSTANtiaL. i'M NOT SUrE THe ruLEs aPPLy to uS, nOT THe samE WAYs anyway." Delirium said simply, shrugging as she found a piece of fruit and began to nibble on it hungrily. "i cAN't fLiRT WITH you LiKE THAT, iT MAkes me fEEL WEird."

Delirium looked at Abby's current form. It made her want to cry a little bit. Another person who looked like one of her siblings and it still wasn't them. She couldn't hold them or look at them without thinking of her siblings. "yOU LooK LiKe mY BRotHer aBBy, yOU Look LikE Destruction. wE CouLd PrETend that yOU ARe."


zenish_moment August 17 2008, 15:51:15 UTC
"Everything is destruction and creation all at once," she replied automatically. "But I'd rather not pretend I'm destruction. I don't like destroying things other than sand castles."

Ooh. Delirium had fruit. She snagged a piece and started eating it herself.


endlessdel August 17 2008, 19:23:15 UTC
"withOUt insaNity thERE CAnnot be saniTY, withOUT DESpair thERe can bE no hOpe, withOUT DEATH there wouLD be nO LifE." Delirium said remembering the familiar phrases her siblings would tell her to try and explain it to her. "iT WOULd PrOBAbLY makE ME sad ANyway But we couLD make sand castLes that WOULD be neat and i coULD Give you fRuit."


zenish_moment August 17 2008, 19:37:04 UTC
"Have you been talking to the writers of zen proverb books?" Abby asked, although Charlie was utterly pleased that there was more zen to think about. "I think sandcastles are good, but I should find sunscreen. This body doesn't look like it tans very well."


endlessdel August 17 2008, 19:57:49 UTC
"nOpe jUST ASher and my captains and BARnabas and You. nO ZEn writERS not UnLess JACK has a seCRET idENtity as a zEN writer whiCH wouLD be REALLY coOL." Delirium said twisting her hair around her fingers. "SOL Loves redheaDS that's whY THE buRN SO much becauSE he is rEmindED of mE ANd burns BRighter for thEM AND gives them ALL his LOVE."


zenish_moment August 18 2008, 01:20:11 UTC
That made perfect sense and she decided Charlie was definitely a little confused if Delirium made sense to his head.

"Jack might have a secret identity. It would be the kind of thing Jack would do," she pointed out in a voice that seemed to be searching for connections.


endlessdel August 20 2008, 13:41:18 UTC
"nOT aS A zEN WriTer and HE WOuLD nEVer kEEP SEcrETS fRom me. hE's my capTAin, he'LL ALways be Desire's buT he'LL nevER LEavE mE Even whEN i'm mEAN AND i HURT him bad." Delirium said, halfway climbing on top of the counter when she remembered they were going outside. She wondered where Barnabas was he hadn't been around lately, she missed him. "oH. woULDN't it be neAT if doGGies had THuMBS you KNOW Like we do? thEN THey coUld GO outsidE AND PUt on suncreAM too."


zenish_moment August 21 2008, 04:29:36 UTC
"But dogs don't need sunscreen because they have fur," she argued, noting the continued sense. "Unless they're those dogs that don't have fur, but those are kind of strange-looking. Why would you breed a dog without fur? Everything has its niche and a furless dog does not fit in those niches."

That was kind of zen.


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