(no subject)

Aug 15, 2008 19:01

Was awful weird... That feeling of waking up not knowing, for a moment where you are, but the thing was, it was no clearer to Kaylee, the more conscious of her surrounds she became. Everything was gorram unfamiliar to her, come to that she even felt different. Cold. But, not in the needing another blanket, sort of cold. Was on the inside.

Sitting up, Kaylee gave herself the once over; she felt ..well lighter, fitter and a lot more tense, her hands and arms weren’t her own, and as she peered down at her chest, she found long black hair past her shoulders. She most definitely weren’t herself. Logic seemed to hit her at once. As logical as a crazy Island could get. Was that Island thing the same thing made Captain change and now it’d happened to her. Okay. Not to panic. She just felt the sting of being really pissed off this’d happened to her.

“Frak.” She barked out in confusion, before realising she had no idea what it really meant. Well, it was sorta a swear, she’d like to say half a dozen other things, right about now. “Well, there’s someone out there neater than Simon. Looks like I’ve found them.” She muttered under her breath, in a clear unfamiliar voice and accent; it sounded far more unimpressed with the entire situation that she meant it to.

Kaylee ended up spend a good portion of the morning discovering the belongings, which she did not feel too bad going through. Funny looking paper with no edges, Dogtags that said ‘Shaw, Kendra’. Clothing, No. Uniforms? Who’s just got clothes that are uniforms? Kaylee certainly looked for colour and she found none at all. She did have to dress though and still she put together the basics, at least it felt like she’d got something at least on proper and a blue t-shirt was the closest she’d come to something with real colour, and it had a patch on it. She didn’t leave anything strewn about either, everything she’d removed on her search she put away again. Kaylee never tidied up after herself right away; though now she’d been annoyed by the sight of clutter sitting about and not in it’s proper place.

It wasn’t until she found a weapon, and some how she knew it was awful important to this girl and with almost no weapon knowledge, that it was a side-arm. Kaylee, though in a fix could fire a gun she didn’t like them. Scared her to the core. Sometimes they even made her freeze up, but this girl. It felt kinda right in her hands; she didn’t feel scared or nervous; holding it made her feel in control, secure, complete. She struggled with attaching the holster thing, but the weapon was with her when she left.

Leaving the hut, she trudged out to the beach with a straighter posture and a more purposeful tread than she’d ever taken in her own body; thinking she might head for Serenity. Though her body didn’t have the same, homey feeling toward the ship at all, nor was so interested. It was a ship alright, but by the looks of it, it’d shake to pieces before it broke atmosphere. Kaylee clamped her hands over her mouth at once. She hadn’t said that had she? Just thought it? She growled a sharp, frustrated sigh and walked on.

[OOC: It takes a whole new body to make Kaylee grumpy. Feel free to meet her anywhere on beach, near Serenity. Replies will be delayed after posting of EP due to timezone wackiness. LT welcome and ST tends to be my default.]

robin of locksley, kaylee frye, plot: bodyswitch, dr. simon tam, kendra shaw

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