Aug 04, 2008 21:01
Murphy's Law. That's what it is, Lew thinks. What can go wrong will go wrong, and right when you're beginning to get nice and comfortable and believe that you're secure. He thought he'd left firefights behind, but apparently he'd been mistaken.
There's something especially disturbing about it happening here, in this place. It seems so pristine, almost Utopian most of the time, and this shoot-out, the deaths, they're ugly. They don't belong. Despite the fact that it's just happened, Lew can't imagine it here any more than he could in Zell am See. He wonders how people can't understand that there's a silent pact with the white sand beaches and blue water, with the vibrant sunsets that says you leave the petty violence of men behind.
There's not a lot that he can do, but he can do something, has at least some small power (Thank you, Dick.) He's found Buck, they've talked to Gwen, and after two trips have brought 50 bottles back to the Hub -- 25 red wine, 25 whiskey. He figures that's a good start, and most sane people will be at home with their families on a night like this. People like him, though... The wanderers, the restless ones, they'll be up until dawn with the heavy burden of knowing that nothing so close to perfect can ever stay that way for long.
[OOC: Gathering post, somber though it is. Please see Slated for details.]
ronon dex,
angua von uberwald,
jason street,
buck compton,
banky edwards,
lewis nixon,
dr. rollie saunders,
vala mal doran,
eden mccain,
wanda langkowski,
gideon sparks,
charlie crews,
penny sparks,
isabel evans,
kara thrace,
brendan dean,
tony stark,
alex drake,
sam winchester,
james potter,
jeremy northwood,
dr. john dorian,
draco malfoy,
lee adama,
olive snook,
neil mccormick,
georgina sparks,
andy gallagher