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filmstarbeauty July 4 2008, 07:59:59 UTC
The party was flawless and Blair had a themed dress to match. It was a halter dress, red with white polka dots and it suited the fact that it was fourth of July. Heck, she'd even broken out some of her sacred lipgloss for the ocassion. Besides, so long as the sun shine and the food and drink did run out, and the music wasn't so bad, the day was a hit.

Which wasn't surprising. No Waldorf had ever thrown a party that turned out to be a dud. An island wasn't about to change that. Doing her duty as co-hostess, she smiled cordially as she mixed and mingled and tried her hardest not to judge. The fireworks were meant to be in the sky, not in the crowd afterall.


turnthebadinme July 4 2008, 08:07:24 UTC
Serena was beaming as she threw her arms around Blair for a hug. "Oh my god, B," she said, and it was all but a squeal, "we really did it. This looks so good. Do you think people are having fun? It looks like they're having fun." She really hoped they were anyway, and she was having such a great time, watching people enjoy themselves. She was limiting herself to one drink that night, but it was mixed with rum provided by Han Solo as she listened to music brought along by Penny Lane, so she sort of figured not having fun was just about impossible that night.


filmstarbeauty July 4 2008, 08:44:06 UTC
With a laugh that was almost a sure sign that someone might have bodyswapped Blair Waldorf for another, more chipper yet equally moodswinging model. Figures. Hugging her friend, she bounced a bit on the balls of her feet and nodded. "People look like they're having fun, but who knows? I'll make them if they aren't. It just matters that they're here."

Numbers were infinitely important to success. Especially when you had no quantifiable celebrities.


turnthebadinme July 4 2008, 19:02:28 UTC
"Nothing like a little violence to make sure people are enjoying themselves." Serena sipped her drink and looked out over the crowd. Things really did seem to be going well. She wouldn't wholly relax on that score until the evening was over, but she was already having so much fun, she couldn't worry about it that much.


filmstarbeauty July 4 2008, 20:06:57 UTC
Blair waved a piece of fruit dismissively in S's direction. Violence was so passé. "As if, just a bit of you know forced dramatics," she said, turning to survey the crowd.

"Speaking of which, there are certain things that this party would be better off without. Things that cause dramatics are a few of them."


turnthebadinme July 5 2008, 00:21:17 UTC
"Believe me, I'm just looking for an evening of peaceful fun," Serena assured her, resting a hand on Blair's arm. "Unless Chuck pulls something, it looks like we're set for a quiet evening." She had no doubt that Blair, at least, would know exactly which of the three Chucks present she meant.


filmstarbeauty July 5 2008, 01:03:21 UTC
"That Chuck is not invited." Despite the fact that her prim and perfect hostess smile managed to remain firmly intact as she said it, the rest of her face took on a stormy demeanor. "I don't care if other people gatecrash, but that party crasher will have to be swiftly dealt with."


turnthebadinme July 5 2008, 01:18:25 UTC
Serena hesitated. She was fairly certain she had seen that Chuck swaggering toward the party dressed precisely as if he were ready to head for the Hamptons, but she hadn't yet been able to speak to him. Telling Blair as much, though, was a recipe for precisely the kind of fireworks they wished to avoid. "And if I see him so much as think about crashing," she said quickly, "I get Tim to escort him from the party. It'll be okay, B. I'm gonna check on the rest of the guests, okay?"


filmstarbeauty July 5 2008, 06:24:58 UTC
"Exactly," Blair confirmed with a nod. That was the sort of idea she could get behind. After all it was why they kept big strong guys around. Grabbing Serena's arm before she managed to walk away, she nodded seriously again.

"You go check on the guests and I'll go check on everything else. Remember, thrown far, far away."


turnthebadinme July 5 2008, 06:36:37 UTC
"Right into the volcano if he even argues," Serena assured her. Tipping her head to the side, she smiled warmly at Blair. "Don't worry, B. The party's amazing, everything's great and Chuck will not ruin anything. I promise." Slipping her arms around Blair, she gave her a quick, close hug. "Come on, have fun."


filmstarbeauty July 5 2008, 07:12:36 UTC
"No, he won't," Blair echoed. Then forcing out a laugh that sounded neither carefree or effortless, she hugged her friend again. "Besides, there are half a million scientists around here, one of them must have built a ray gun by now."


turnthebadinme July 5 2008, 07:39:34 UTC
Serena giggled. "I'll look into that, too," she said. "It might be useful for us to have one of those available, just in case. Not all gatecrashers are created equal." And worse people than Chuck Bass might show up any day, she knew.


filmstarbeauty July 5 2008, 08:18:23 UTC
With a painful flashback to the not too distant memory of Serena being such an outlawed gatecrasher, Blair almost flinched.

"Exactly. There has to be someone worse, doesn't there?" God, please let that both be true and not be true at the same time.


turnthebadinme July 6 2008, 04:50:51 UTC
"There usually is." It was impossible for Serena to avoid that same memory. Her attention drifted again shortly, though, to one heavily intertwined with that. She'd walked out of that party holding Dan's hand.

She couldn't bear to think about him on a night like this, not when he would have actually fit in at this party. The crowd was too varied for anyone to stand out overmuch. Dropping her gaze, she stood still, momentarily rendered silent.


renegade_reaper July 4 2008, 22:31:12 UTC
Beat was havin' a pretty good time, not that it took much to entertain him. He'd spoken to Serena, but he knew Blair had a hand in puttin' things together too. He figured talkin' to the hosts was what he was supposed to do, so when he spotted her a while after he showed up, he headed over to say hello.

"Yo," he said, holding up a hand in greeting. "How's in goin'?"


filmstarbeauty July 5 2008, 01:05:36 UTC
At the moment, Blair Waldorf was basking in the glow that success alone could give her. Well, success and a drink or two. It was familiar buzz and one she'd missed, the feeling that after all was said and done, this was a hit.

"Fabulous," she said, with a smile and a tilt of her head. It was almost impossible to worry at this moment. Almost. "How is it with you?"


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