Jun 17, 2008 15:22
Since M had shown up, Rictor had been a little more focused than usual on the treehouse. It had a ways to go, of course, but he felt like there was more of a point to it than before. He wasn't sure how she was settling in though or how things had gone with Jamie.
At some point, he would need to check up on both of them, because as annoying as Jamie could be and as independent and capable as Monet definitely was, they were still part of his team. Julio wasn't under a moral obligation to look after them or anything, but he thought he ought to consider doing that instead of going out of his way to avoid Jamie just because he was seeing Tony.
Surprisingly enough, this mature, new outlook on things wasn't a result of therapy, which Rictor still planned on avoiding for the rest of forever. It was more that Rictor's personal life had finally emerged from the chaos it had been mired in and taken on some semblance of order. Some of that was from dating Vince because it was sort of impossible to be unhappy around him and some of it was that having time to himself, time to actually think of himself as a former mutant without a team to fall back on or hide behind, actually resulted in realizing he was sort of okay.
Maybe he wasn't happy with not having powers, but that wasn't going to change or necessarily be easier to accept, but not coping wasn't actually hurting anyone else but himself. The more productive and busier he kept himself, the less he had time to dwell too.
So although his arms were aching and he was pretty sure he'd just sweat all over ever square foot of the jungle by the time he was willing to give up on building for the day to head back towards the Compound, Rictor felt pretty good about everything.
[OOC: Pretty much the ideal time to meet him. Would be great if he could talk to Monet or Jamie. ST/LT is fine as always.]
monet st. croix,
trance gemini,
vince noir