Glitch was already up and about when sunrise came along, and had found himself a good spot to watch the sun peek out from behind the ocean and start climbing. When the sun was moving overhead, so was Glitch, already heading towards the compound for another book as the light stretched his shadow against the path.
(Then bad things happened.) )
He paused. Either this was some form of triple-reverse psychology, or...he shook his head, not even knowing what other options there were aside from the large and most likely one. "Am..." Ambrose cleared his throat. "Am I dead?"
"I hope not because that'd mean I'm dead too." Jonas grinned. Then, playfully Jonas reached over and pinched Glitch's hand. "Did you feel that?" He asked playfully.
Ambrose had no idea where 'here' was, or what 'here' was for that matter, but the word would work well enough.
Jonas looked at Glitch and checked him over. He was certain this was Glitch.
"Oh, hello Ambrose. Nice to meet you. I'm Jonas obviously. I've been here quite some time, you?" Jonas smiled and played along.
"Not quite a year. Eight months." Jonas giggled. "You should have auditioned for the play, Glitch. I mean Ambrose. You're a great actor." Jonas looked around and leaned in closer.
"What are you confused about?"
But Ambrose really could be a good actor when he needed to, so he smiled. "Thanks, Jonas. I'm just a little out of it today, so I'm confused about almost everything. Maybe I knocked my head on something."
"You don't hurt, right? Maybe I can help you. What's the last thing you remember? Cain? Az? Coraline?"
Like if she was the real Azkadellia, if there was someone else with Az as a nickname, and whether or not she was posessed.
"Well, she lives with you and you two get along pretty well, it seems. She's about my age, I think, though I've never really asked." Jonas looked up and leaned in close once more. This time he lowered his voice.
"The truth is, she sort of intimidates me. She's cute, but when you get around girls my age, it gets sort of weird." Jonas blushed.
"Intimidates you how?"
"I'm sure I'm just being stupid about it, but I get nervous."
Ambrose decided then and there that he had what was probably the strangest subconscious ever, if it invented scenarios like this.
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