Book had known about the chapel for a while, and hadn't quite gotten over to it just yet. He was a nomadic shepherd, a man who tended to a flock that lived in the black. He went from the abbey to the black, and his flock, as it were, was a ragtag group of criminals that held to their own rules and morals. Where these eight people, alone in the
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She'd almost turned and headed back the way she came when she saw who was standing in front of it, but after only a fraction of a second's hesitation continued the way she was going. Now was as good a time as any to find out if they really practiced what they preached. "Shepherd," she greeted, her expression neutral.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "How about you, shepherd? Finding enough flock to tend to here?"
"Sure, meet a few folk, make a few friends, only to have them up and disappear on you," she said, with a slightly bitter laugh. She'd learned her lesson, though. No more attachments. She'd focus on what she did best.
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