After she grabbed some dinner from the kitchen, and quite possibly had the best damned tuna she'd ever eaten in her life, Isabel wasn't quite ready to make the trek down to her hut just yet. It was relatively early and, for once, she didn't feel like abandoning the compound just quite yet. Although she really wasn't a fan, per se, of the compound, she had to admit that one of its highlights was the bookshelf. Last week it had given her a whole stack of Cosmo. She'd gone through them all already. Maybe it'd cough up some more issues.
Twisting her hair up into a loose bun, Isabel hummed softly as she secured it with an elastic band, eyes scanning the bookshelf. Spying a stack of magazines, Isabel grinned and reached out to nab them...but when she made contact with what had been the pile of magazines, she found her fingers had curled around a film cannister. The magazines were gone.
"What the--?"
Isabel attempted to take a book from a lower shelf instead but again found her fingers touching the cool metal of a film cannister. Again and again she tried to grab something, anything, other than a film cannister. It was a no go.
Figuring it out that the bookshelf was essentially demanding she watch whatever was in the cannister, Isabel sighed and folded. In a matter of minutes, the film was on the projector reel. She couldn't quite figure out how to rewind it, so whatever was on the film wouldn't pick up from the beginning.
As images began to flash upon the screen, Isabel settled onto the couch and watched, feet curling up beneath her. When the picture on the screen became clear, Isabel sat up with a shot.
It was her. An older her, but definitely her. Her and some handsome older guy on a hospital bed grinning up at her. "It's cause I asked you to marry me," the guy on the screen said to the older version of herself on the screen, and Isabel's stomach twisted up. As she watched her older self try to explain that she was giving the man an out, Isabel's mind began to race. The island was showing her something from her future. Who was this man? Watching herself, it was obvious she cared about him a hell of a lot, and the same could be said for the guy on the screen.
John was gonna head to the bookshelf to see what he could look up on island foliage. If anything, he figured maybe some useful herbs might be growing somewhere around here. A hunter could never have too many supplies in John's opinion.
Only thing was, he didn't quite make it to the bookshelf. He'd intended to get there, only he was sidetracked by something on the screen that some girl was watching -- it was a guy who looked just damned like him, only happier and a hell of a lot less haunted. The guy on the screen was
pouring his damned heart out to the pretty woman on the screen. It was obvious the man wasn't Nancy's Judah but that didn't mean John knew who the hell he was. Transfixed, John stood there behind the couch, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.
Isabel watched in absolute silence as the scenes played out before her. Who was this Denny? When would she meet him? Why the hell had she changed her name from Evans to Stevens? Why was she a doctor? She hadn't even really liked science class!
She didn't even move until she saw herself
in a fancy dress curled up next to Denny on the bed, her future friends trying to comfort her.
"An hour ago he was proposing. And now… and now he’s going to the morgue. Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it the most ridiculous piece of crap you've ever heard?"
It was then that it hit Isabel -- she had not only lost Alex, but she would lose this man, too. And when the Alex on the screen, the Alex her older self would become friends with, scooped her up to comfort her, Isabel couldn't watch anymore. Swallowing hard against a lump in her throat, Isabel blindly got off the couch and fumbled with the projector.
Behind her, she heard someone cough, but Isabel didn't turn around. She didn't want any questions.
[Let me know if you want to talk to Izzy, John, or both!]