There was a Colonial tent in New Atlantis.
Sharon was immediately certain it was meant for her. No one else in NA was from the Colonies, if she could even be counted as such. Although she was sure the tent was a gift to her, it was Hera who ran off to explore it first, disappearing inside.
"Hera," Sharon called, scolding, because who knew what was inside. She followed her daughter into the tent, and once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, what she saw made her gasp. It was a small version of the
Viper Mark VII. Hera was already trying to climb it.
Sharon pulled the tent flaps back, tying them at the sides, until the small ship was exposed to daylight. She could see there wasn't a chance the thing was going to fly. It was mounted on something with a step leading to the door and it was much smaller than an actual Viper. Plus, it had an almost smashed look to it making it appear less sleek so it wouldn't be so long.
"Fly!" Hera exclaimed, recognizing it from the mobile Leoben had made. Sharon nodded absently, realizing belatedly what it was. A flight sim.
[Sharon's NDPD gift is a flight simulator that looks a little like
this, but more in the shape of
this. ST/LT welcome.]