Rogue loved all the dogs on the island. She hadn't had a dog since Jigger, and she'd been nine when he'd up and died on her, but damn she'd loved that dog. She was coming up from the beach and decided to head to the hub before the compound, maybe catch a drink before a shower, and brightened when she saw her roommate. She only vaguely recognized the other guy as someone who hung around the Doctor, and she liked him a lot.
Paige looked sort of wasted.
"Hey roomy," she said, and nodded to the other fella. "What's... what's goin' on?"
Paige swivelled, humming still, a lock of hair falling into her face and her swimming vision.
"Hey there, dahling, come and have yourself a drink," she said, kicking a leg idly in the direction of the stool next to her, grinning merrily as she did so. "Rob and I are having ourselves a goodbye party."
Chase saluted with his glass and a terse smile, not in the best of moods and he'd only seen the woman, though he could tell easily who she was. "Lots," he said, nodding. "And lots of alcohol. Boooooze."
"I used to be engaged to Jay," he explained, with a bit of a slur in his tone. "And I delivered Padme's kid." And he was all for getting very drunk. "S'not very good, people disappearing. Sets a pattern."
Rogue stared at the both of them, first one then the other. She slowly moved to sit heavily on a bar stool. Jay was gone, with his pretty wife and their beautiful baby. She knew why they were drinking- bad enough to think of where Jay and Padme had gone back to, but that beautiful, beautiful little baby-
Chase was rubbing his eyes as he slumped a little lower in his stool, not sure what he was supposed to do. "One by one," he mumbled, peering at the woman. "I'm Rob Chase," he introduced, extending a hand and managing not to completely fall off his stool.
Paige looked sort of wasted.
"Hey roomy," she said, and nodded to the other fella. "What's... what's goin' on?"
"Hey there, dahling, come and have yourself a drink," she said, kicking a leg idly in the direction of the stool next to her, grinning merrily as she did so. "Rob and I are having ourselves a goodbye party."
"Goodbye t'who?"
"My family. Jay and Padme, dead again, gone and all that."
She blinked rapidly a few times, tearing up.
"Oh ma God."
"Ah know, aint life swell?" she said, the words almost dripping with sarcasm. "Shouldna, really we all shouldna known."
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