Aug 01, 2007 19:52
The old restlessness was getting into her again.
Eden had spent so many years in one place. Once she'd gotten out it had been all go, go, go, and even in L.A., she'd rarely spent all that long in one place. Her days had been long and filled with activity, her nights with more to do yet and little sleep. At least she was well prepared for that part here. What she couldn't handle was the stillness.
She was itching for something to do, somewhere to go, a way to focus all the energy that buzzed just beneath her skin without any outlet at all. A goal. A purpose.
She'd run through her possibilities again and again, and come up with nothing every time. Working in the kitchen was out, since the best she could manage came out of a box most of the time, and she was pretty sure teaching was something meant for people who'd made it further than high school. There were lots of options, but none of them were right. She was still waiting for something to strike her, beyond the fact that it was unbearably unfair she hadn't made it far enough in life to back home to do something real with it - to even find out what it was she really wanted to do. It wouldn't have all been Company work forever, would it have? She wasn't so sure now. Not of anything, really.
It didn't matter, she reminded herself. That part she was sure of, or trying to be. She was here now. She just had to find something here to keep her from feeling the way she did now, always as if she were walking just on the edge of something without knowing what was waiting on either side of her.
Pulling back on the chain as the swing swept forward, she had to tuck her legs up, heels skimming plastic, to keep her feet from dragging on the ground. She was getting too big for this thing, her legs too long to do it properly anymore. That wasn't enough to stop her, swinging back and forth, moving without going anywhere at all.
[Eden onna playground. Mostly she's just bored, so now's a good time for introductions and old acquaintances alike. ST and late tags welcome as always.]
brendan frye,
penny sparks,
rupert de worde,
outspan foster,
eden mccain