Questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as my heart.

May 18, 2007 13:55

"So do you believe in God, Dr. Brennan?"

It was the first time she'd really gotten the chance to look at the girl in Zach's life, and she was a little taken aback by her face. The blue eyes and brunette shade, high and graceful cheekbones-- Becky looked like her. What that said about Temperance's grad student, she wasn't sure.

She was pretty sure that her gaze had been more shuttered at that age, though, where the girl's eyes were unapologetic and frank in their questioning. Then again, hadn't some lovesick Peruvian boy tried to tell her something about-- what was it, her eyes being deadly spears thrown by something or another. It'd been a compliment, anyway.

"No," she said, and swallowed, fixating a bit on all the crosses. "I don't. God is... an invention of our constant searching for humanity's place in the universe. An attempt to bring order to the terrifying randomness of nature."

Becky blinked, crossed her legs as she leaned back. "You took your time there," she observed, her hand moving so naturally to one of the crosses that it had to be without her explicit knowledge. "I do," she added. "I grew up Catholic, and that shit will really screw you up if you aren't careful. Make you think... that God is some old miser, spyin' on you, tryin' to catch and punish you."

"Do you believe that?" It was half-hearted, and made her think of Zach to say.

"It's very hard to be a good girl all the time," answered Becky, and the answer rested heavily between the two-- one in leather and crosses, one in a labcoat, stools on opposite sides of the empty lab. "So I gotta figure you go nuts or you think of it different."

Temperance leaned on the counter. "Do you think God is responsible for this place?" It was easier to say this if she didn't look up. "Do you think if we'd done something different, he'd have let Zach stay?"

"I thought you didn't believe," Becky pointed out softly.

"I don't. I'm just-- questioning."

The girl laughed a little bit. "Yeah, me too."

[Double your woe? Tag either or as you please, they've discovered Zach's disappearence and will share the news. D: Late tags and ST welcomed and encouraged.]

temperance brennan, jack hodgins, john crichton, angela montenegro, becky

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