Dream had spent a lot of time doing nothing once.
Watch my captor grow old and die. No satisfaction. Still here.
They offered to set him free, of course. For eighty years they offered to set him free. In exchange for something. So small, they said. Power. Immortality. A promise that he wouldn't seek revenge.
A naked man in a glass box, they'd called him. All he was. Nothing at all.
And soon, it had been. In an endless existence, what was eighty years? But just imagine. Imagine how slowly time creeps. When. You. Are. Doing. Nothing.
That cage haunted his dreams now (his dreams! how absurd), and often he found himself somewhere on the island, doing nothing, reaching out into the air to see if there was glass there.
Now, he sat on the steps outside the compound, still, watching people as they passed. Remembering. Knowing their stories, biding his time. He was not unhappy here. He was simply in another cage, this mortal body.
[OOC: He's very much in Dream Lord mode right now, and so I'd love for some people to tag in who wouldn't mind him freaking them out a little by knowing their dreams. (i.e. plz
drop a comment by his primer first.) Late tags are perfectly welcome, as I likely won't be up much longer tonight.]