"If you want blood, you got it" - AC/DC
This is Brian once again. If you have kids or any self-esteem issues, you're going to want to stop listening right now. In between songs I might swear and it's likely I'll end up insulting you.
So it's been pretty exciting around here what with the genderswitching and the truly lame April Fool's Day radio pranks. I'm guessing most of you had a lot of sex which isn't anything new. You'd think people would maybe consider taking a break. There's always the risk that a lot of irresponsible sex which will result in a lot of pregnan-- Oh wait. We have a lot of those, don't we?
"The World is Not Enough" - Garbage Since I typically spend my days here not having sex with you, I've been doing some thinking. I know. Waste of time, right? But It seems to me that what the island really needs are some weekends that promote abstinence or self-reflection.
What could be better for that than "You've been pissed off your ancestors and now they're here to give you shit for it" weekend. Picture it. Being haunted by all those people back home who have missed out on you behaving like a dick now that you have a second chance. This would hopefully result in the survivors affectionately referring to it as seppuku weekend.
The problem with my other idea is it sort of requires you to have been from Earth and capable of reading books without a lot of pictures in them, but an even better idea than that would be: Dorian Gray weekend.
Without going into Cliff Notes mode, what I'm saying here is there should be a weekend where everyone looks like they would if their bodies mirrored their actions in life. I guarantee you just about no one here would get to have sex ever again.
Not that I actually think this will happen. I don't think the island cares about people being held accountable for much let alone their sexcapades.
"Solitary Man" - HIM The weather is still nice today. There's still no traffic because no one has a car.
Since I'm almost out of things to say, I'm this close to making up some commericals. Because I don't know about the rest of you, but that's what I miss. I miss the normal, stupid things.
I wish I could say it was a fucking thrill having to wonder about what you dumbasses did or didn't do in the waterfalls, rivers, and streams here. I wish I was satisfied with worrying about whether or not the magic box of condoms will magically run out or if the doctors here will be able to staple my head back on if some dinosaur rips it off.
But what can I say. I'm just not that lame.
"Shankill Butchers" - The Decemberists So that's it. You'll get music for awhile and then it'll be someone else's turn to irritate you.
If you're interested in good-looking bastards and homosexual longing, and I'm positive most of you are, you should probably check out The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Even if you're not from Earth. It's not like you've got anything better to do.
Stay classy, Tabula Rasa.
"Comfortably Numb" - Pink Floyd After the show was finally over, Brian wandered back upstairs and sat at a chair with the blank journal he'd been using as a sketchbook. There wasn't much in it worth seeing yet but he had enough drawings of the insides of various dead or slain animals to last most people the better part of a lifetime. Not that he was inclined to show any of them off.
As he propped his feet up on the table, the jukebox started playing AC/DC's "If you want blood, you got it" again. He offered the musical machine something like a smirk before he stared down at an empty page, wondering what to fill it with.