(no subject)

Apr 01, 2007 13:11

The first day as a girl, Calvin could find ways to occupy herself. Wandered about watching the chaos, trying without much success to get a pair of pants from the clothes box. It was awkward, sure, but she could cope.

The second day was worse. Still awkward, but now she didn't even know what to do with herself. It didn't help that the bookshelf gave him only radical feminist manifestos. So Calvin got a bit desperate for entertainment.

Slipping out of her flip-flops, Calvin pulled herself up onto the trampoline. After a few experimental bounces, she started jumping hard. Hair whipping about her face and arms flailing out for balance, she let out a pleased laugh.

Jumping on a trampoline made her tits feel so weird.

[Girl onna trampoline!]

plot: sex switch, danny daly, calvin o'keefe, arthur stuart

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