If she hadn't glanced at the calendar on the way to the kitchen this morning, she never would've realized what today was. February 28th, Island Time. She'd been here for a year now. An entire year. This time last year she didn't even think about being here more than a few days. It quickly sunk in, though, that she wouldn't be going anywhere any
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Not until she looked through the door anyway, poking her head in one more time at the sound of voices - and somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was looking through again and seeing Sam, on the couch with eyes like his world was coming apart, maybe because it had been - and saw Pam, illuminated by the flickering light of the screen. "Need company?" she asked quietly, looking up to the screen and feeling her stomach turn just a little.
She sat through Michael and Jan actually making out in a bathroom upstairs at the CFO's house and had to fight back the nausea. The camera went back to Jim watching Karen with another guy when the CFO asked him to play basketball. She couldn't help chuckling when, once again, Karen managed to convince Jim that she'd dated almost every guy in the room. She had to admit, Karen seemed nice - funny, too - and she could kinda understand why Jim would like her. But, before she could continue that train of thought, she heard a quiet voice just to her left and looked up ( ... )
She smiled faintly at Veronica and shook her head. "It's okay. I'm not sure I could really handle any popcorn right now anyway."
Leaning back a little, she turned back to the screen just in time to see Jim and the CFO playing basketball. Her smile brightened a little when Jim made a shot easily.
Almost relieved.
"I always knew Michael was going to end up in a straight jacket one day," he commented idly as he wandered over to sit next to her.
"I guess you came back from Stamford," she said softly. "The last one we watched, you were still there.."
God, he hated normal now.
"I guess so," he echoed, his mood slowly lifting as he saw himself hide the key. He bit back a laugh, shaking his head.
"Wow. That's.. wow." She continued to shake her head until the credits started to run.
"Hi," she said to Pam. "Can I watch, too?"
Just before River had walked in, the credits had rolled and now Dwight and Michael were on the screen, in Michael's car. "Dwight and Michael are on their way to a work party," she explained. "Michael was in a straitjacket and chains before, trying to do a magic trick, but other than that, nothing else has really happened yet."
"Is this something you remember, or something that happned after you came here?"
She didn't understand it still, but the fact remained that people from the same place often came from different times. She wondered if anyone would ever come from her own life, past what she remembered, so she could know what might have happened if she hadn't been on the island instead.
She couldn't keep herself from snorting when Michael suddenly realized that maybe Dwight shouldn't be going to whatever party they were off to. Just then Michael's cell phone rang and Pam burst out laughing when Jan started talking.
"Oh, wow." Her mouth dropped open as Jan continued, thinking Michael had taken her off speakerphone. "I.. really could've done without hearing that."
Jim and Karen were currently up there talking about someone Karen used to date that was there. "What're you up to?"
"Who's that?" he asked, gesturing at the girl talking to Jim. "She's cute."
"Um. That.. That is Karen. Jim's.. girlfriend." I think.
She slumped down a little, gesturing towards the screen vaguely. "They're at.. a work party or whatever."
Unlike this hapless guy on the telly, who had just had Jim Halpert step on the key to his chains.
"Uh," the Doctor said, blinking. "Hullo, Pam. Who's that?"
She shook her head, laughing fondly as the credits started to roll. It wasn't that she missed him- Well. Maybe she did. Just a little.
She started to laugh harder, though this time in pure amazement as he asked her to smell his breath.
She couldn't help smiling when Jim came back on the screen and made a face when Dwight offered to smell Michael's breath.
"Oh, wow."
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