The Saturday morning clinic shift gave Wilson a reason to get up early, which he appreciated. He started his day with a short jog, just down to the beach and back, then showered and dressed for the day. He'd been hoarding normal looking clothes since the incident with the parachute pants, but he still thought that an offering to the clothes box
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"nEeDleMan? nEedLemAn." Delirium said questioningly, tip-toeing. She had managed to evade her siblings, they would forget and she would creep around happily on her own. She grinned happily at the man with a book, he looked silly for a needleman and familiar- he wasn't one of hers but they did share someone. "iT huRTs."
A quick visual exam told him that her pupils were slightly dilated, but he saw no wounds. "Where does it hurt, miss?" he said calmly, gesturing to the bed.
"eVerywHerE hUrTs, bEing hUmAn hUrTs mY heAd. i nEvER hUrT beFOre aLL sUnsHinE aNd fiShIEs, oNLy hUrT wHen i TriED to bE sANE."
"Do you see colors, unusual colors?" he asked as he attempted to hand her the pills.
"oF coUrse. rEds and piNks and oCtarinE anD voId matTeR. i sEe evErythIng mOrE THaN mY sIbLings tHink i dO."
He took out a slip of paper and wrote a few notes: Patient Del complaint "pain." 2 aceto.
"Do you have a last name, Del?"
"i dO noT hAve a lAsT nAme. i aM a pUrpOse, aN aNthRopOmorphic pErsoniFicaTion. i hAve nEvEr nEedED onE. WoULD yoU liKe to gIve mE onE?"
Wilson blinked a couple of times, but managed to stay still as Del petted his hair. Her fingers were quite cool. "This might seem like an obvious question, but are you related to Death?" Like Death, she was quite pretty, though they bore no resemblance. But this one made his friend seem sedate and restrained.
"yEs, sHe's mY siStER. i'm hEr yOunGesT- deLiRium or dEl sHaNnoN. yOur hAir is vEry nicE."
So this was the sister who caused Death so much trouble. He sighed loud wnough to be heard. "You ought to leave her alone, I mean, her head. She's a good... person. But I think you like to cause trouble." Wilson kept his voice conversational, since he didn't want Del to think he was being critical.
"sHe iS mY fAmiLy. i aM noT iN hErs, i aM nOt iN miNe. diD yOu asK hEr noT tO tAkE aNy aWay. iT is oUr job." Delirium explained. "i cAn'T nOt hEre anYwaY-wHy eLsE wOuLd my hEad hURt anD mY moRtals i CaNnOt HeaR tHem noT eVen yoUr bRoThER. nEedLemaN mY heAd sTiLL hUrtS veRy mUchLy."
"How... how do you know my brother?" Wilson asked slowly, with the same great suspicion he used to get whenever some private detective thought he had a lead. "I've been looking for him a long time."
"i dO noT LikE miNe, i cOuLd chAngE it aLl thE tiMe pOof Now- no pOof. mY miNd is aLl crAmpED anD toO smaLL. wOrLds and woRLds aRe aLL in hEre."
He tried very hard not to think about this, because it certainly didn't matter here.
"I think you should rest for a while, and then eat something. Your blood sugar might be a litle bit low." Crazy people could have hypoglycemia, too.
"i aM gLad yOu dId nOt stiCk mE wIth nEedLes, aNd i dO LiKe yOur haiR veRy mUchLy."
He had his doubts, honestly. This one seemed like she might not get that much better by his standards, but he wasn't sure what her standards were.
"I'll leave the cake to Death, but I'll go to the kitchen and bring you some juice and a sandwich. Do you like peanut butter and jelly?"
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