Aug 05, 2006 19:58
The shadowy corner of the cave was perfect; Eddie could see on three sides around him and blend into the shadows at the same time.
He watched Susannah move around the cave. If anything, it was easier for her to get around than it was for Eddie; he could barely stand up in some spots, and it was crowded. Suze seemed to glide around the cave. She wore leather gloves, and her truncated legs were covered with deerskin protectors as she went from one person to the next, bandaging cuts and offering water. Eddie knew his wife was grieving, and he also knew that what she was doing was a better way to handle it than sitting in a corner brooding.
Yeah, like maybe if I'm miserable enough it'll bring Jake back. Eddie, you are one sick fuck. Bring on the next delusion, sai Dean.
Roland had come back a while ago. He'd been out with the IPD during the storm's eye, which put Eddie into imminent freakout mode until he got back. Roland didn't say anything to Eddie when he returned, just pulled up his own little corner and sat stone-still, smoking and staring off into space.
Eddie leaned back against the cave wall. Roland obviously wasn't gonna talk to him, and he wouldn't interrupt Suze for anything. Everyone else was either ignoring him or couldn't see him hiding in his corner, and that was just fine and dandy with Eddie. He leaned back; the cave wall was cool against his back. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. For the next few hours at least, there was nothing for Eddie to do but settle further into the shadows, rest his arms on his bent knees, and make sure he knew where Roland and Suze were at, every fucking second.
edward elric,
plot: hurricane