Title: Cottonbuds
Pairing: Dooseob
Rating: G
Genre: Fluffy! I think.
Word Count: 862
Summary: Yoseob has a weird request for the Yoon leadja~
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys physically, but it's in my mind. (8
A/N: Well this was supposed to be like an orig!3 fic but because my friend kept breaking my concentration about gmarket so i only managed to
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IDK this is just damn cute orz
Oh Yoseob you cute shy boy <3333 hahah omg the thought of him burying his face in Doojoon's flab roflmao. EHHH DOOJOON PLS GO WORK OUT HAHAHA. OT: YOU TOO JUN. D<
This was shooo cute~ *likes* ^^
DOOSEOB~~~ Do let me know if you write the other Orig3 lololl 8D fill up the place with fluff.
you know i will tell you if i write the other pairings 8'D maybe at work tmr if it's as boring as today HURHUR.
^ok don't mind me *rolls around insanely*
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