Hurray HP weekend!!!

Mar 07, 2009 20:20

You know how you have that one thing that totally makes you day(s)? Something simple, but makes you smile and completely relax and kick up your heals. Like a marathon of your favorite show?
Well, mine's on now, I always look forward to this weekends. :D


Fuck work :[ Why, on this weekend? Wwwhhhyyyy???? I would enjoy it more if I could actually attatch myself to the couch all weekend. Ah well. And Fuck, I loose an hour of sleep! -legasp- And on a Monday that I have to do 7 baths! Fuck. Ah well, I'll just help myself to a drink after work.

Oh. And some cat keeps coming into our garage lately, so when my dad left the door open this morning, my mom soon discovered after leaving and in the drive through line at BK the cat had somehow got itself lodged up in the engine or under the car. Though it apparently got away, since my mom looked for it and didn't see anything, I can't help but feel bad for the poor guy. If someone owned him, he's lost now, either at BK or my mom's work. Which, is miles away from where we live. It's not unheard of for a cat to get itself lodged in an engine.

Now to continue my work on my two exchange products ^^
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