Nov 13, 2003 07:00
i hung out with michelle last night. we went to dennys to go to the bathroom, and there was this crazy black lady spouting off all kinds of words. she was so ghetto and such a fast talker. it was the sweetest and now i love her, although i dont have any clue what her name was.
i get my wisdom teeth out in an hour and twenty minutes. suhweet!
edit 4:13pm : so i guess this isnt so bad with my wisdom teeth out. id like to give myself all the credit, but its probably just the vicodin. i was expecting to be incoherent the whole day, but im doing pretty good. they said they had to dig a lot more than expected, so supposedly its gonna hurt a lot more. im just sad that is hurts too much to chew because i want a double double, but i'll get over it. i guess im just tough. thats why they call me X. word.
p.s. i want a new froggy from walmart. my tank is still running but theres nothing in it. RIP bonecrusher!