Andrew Thomas Watson This date would be the date we hooked up in August =).. so this would be our 4 months together, and we've been together ever since, I'll never forget how I met you, you saved me from a crackhead, heheh, and i'll never forget our first kiss, I was so nervous you would say no, I asked if I could kiss you lol. and what makes it even more better is you were just gonna be a one night stand, lol that didn't work out too well.. everything with me and you is like i'm in a movie or in a dream!!! Hahahah, Who'd of thought you woulda became my boyfriend, but i'm so glad it happened, you have changed me for the better, and i have grown up so much because of you. I truly love you with all my heart, your the one I chose, and choose to love unconditionally for as long as we last, even id we don't i will love you forever, and you will always remain a best friend. Your the best boyfriend i've EVER had. I thought the last two were good, well you just topped it for me, no ones ever loved, and cared for me the way you do, and I know it's REAL. I cannot wait to see you babe in 30 more days ahh. I get to spend new years with you. =) and our 5 months, yea we've been through tough times lately but we've totally stuck it out every inch of the way. I'm so lucky to have found you because when u met me i just wanted to give up, and lost alot of people and relationships, i was sad with life all together. you were my angel =) we both needed someone.
So once again baby I love you.