(no subject)

Nov 17, 2004 20:07

1.What time is it? 8 07 pm


2.Do you want to answer these? IM SO BORED
3.Name? Jason
4.Name spelled backwards? Nosaj
5.What is your quest? To Find the Holy Grail
6.Nickname? Jay, Jay....son, J. Scott, Fuzzy Bunny, Ishkaboo.
7.Age? 16
8.Hometown? Carol Stream
9.What were you born in? Winfield
10.Where do you live now? Carol Stream
11.What state? Illinois
12.Ever going to move? First to New Orleans to go to school...then who knows?
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? I DO love it here...but its mostly because of the people. ill take them with.
14.Birthdate? December 13th, 1987
15.When do you blow out your candles? Birthday...dur?
16.Day you were born? Sunday, 11: 16 AM
17.Zodiac sign? Sagittarius
18.Do you know what that is? Yeah
19.Sex? ALL MAN BABY! lol
20.Height? 6'6''
21.Weight? 195
22.Eye color? DAAAAAAARK brown
23.Hair color? Brown
24.Any siblings? errey
25.Names and ages? ----
26.Do you get along with them? jigga wha?
27.Any pets? Word.
28.Names? Trini the Dog, Luther the Cat
29.Parents? nope. i was concieved by a girl who drempt of the perfect man...rofl silly great gatsby and english class.
30.Names? Suzie and James
31.Do you get along with them? Yeah
32.Married or divorced? Well...they were divorced, but only cuz of extenuating circumstances, i.e. poppa's sickness.
33.How long? i think they were married for bout 5 years, but together for many more.
34.Website? quoi?
35.Email? bonafideskills@msn.com
36.AOL s/n? hoopdreams35333
37.Yahoo s/n? ---
38.ICQ? ---
39.MSN? bonafideskills...
many people are on your buddy list? 45
41.Phone number? Cell that's Never On: 334-9329 House where its ALWAYS ON: 260 9329
42.Personality? outgoing, shilly, funny....you tell me!


43. Do you want to answer these? Why not.

44.What school do you go to? Glenbard North
45.What year are you? 2006
46.What are you? Junior
47.Hardest class? Fizz-niz-icks. Physics.
48.Easiest class? English 3 HONORS
49.Most fun class? French 4 HONORS
50.What day did school start? August 24...?
51.Do you have classes with friends? trisha and bridget in study hall, nick, divito, rachel, christine, amanda, bre, jess in french, mallory, sammy, katy, ashley, katherine in english, sammy in gym, then trisha and katy again in hishory.
52.Do you have friends? Nope, none at all.
53.Do you go to school events? I went to a few volleyball games...i watched a soccer game...and i went to a football game.
54.What was the last event you went to? The last home volleyball game.
55.Do you have school spirit? G G G to tha B! B B B to tha N! G to tha B! B to tha N! GBN! NORTH SIIIIDE!
56.Do you go to dances? HELL NO F DAT S! unless theyre in canada...
57.Stag (isn't this a male deer? I know it is) or with someone? sorta stag, but i danced with girls...


58. Do you want to answer these? Errey
59.Have a significant other? Oui
60.What is their name? Lauren Ashley VanGundy
61.How old are they? 16
62.How long have you been going out? lil more then 2 months, i believe.
63.Have you been faithful? induboutably, ol chap. (thats yes in england talk)
64.Do you have a crush? Yeah
65.Who? read up der ^
66.Do they know you like them? I hope so.
67.You ever going to tell them? DUR
68.Do you have an online crush? eww
69.Who? errey

In the Past 24 Hours Have You?

70. Do you wonder why I'm asking these questions? i dont really care

71.Had a serious talk? Sorta
72. Hugged someone? oui
73.Fought with a friend? not unless you wanna go, buddy.
74.Cried? No
75.Laughed? Yep
76.Made someone laugh? Yeah
77.Bought something? not unless you count food.
78.Cut your hair? NEVAAAAA
79.Felt stupid? i feel stupid all the time..
80.Talked to someone you love? yup
81.Missed someone? meh, not really.

Have-you-ever ?

82. You want me to tell you? huh?

84.Stolen something? muahahaa yup, totally aladdin style too.
85.Done drugs? no, sir. why even ask? that would be violation of the athletic code of conduct.
86.Drank? punch at new years party...:/
87.Gotten drunk? i wish...
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos? lol yup
89.Been dumped? nay.
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? nay.
91.Hiked up a mountain? not all the way up..
92. Stayed home on Saturday night? yup
93.Been in love? Yeee! AWWWWW HOW SWEEEEEEEEET
94.Seen the White House? yup
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower? no
96.Try smoking? people who smoke tobacco are the dumbest people on earth.
97.Played monopoly? mono-polio.
98.Seen Titanic? and was the only dry eye in the house.
99.Kissed someone? yup
100.Tried a weight loss program? LOL F DAT S!
101.Jumped on a trampoline? SHILLY MISHER KENNY!
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? prolly back in like kindergarten...
103.Had a bubble bath? frequently.
104.Been on a plane? concordatley.
105.Been on a boat? ere-go.
106.Been on a train? visa vi.
107.Been in a car accident? LOL! LLLLLL OOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLL! jenny, seriously come on. SERIOUSLY!
108.Ridden an elephant? if by elephant, you mean republican....then no. lol
109.Made a web page? naw..
110.Played with Barbies? IT WAS A 1 TIME THING OKAY!?!?
111.Stay up all night? all nighters= high feeling.
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? rolling on my filthy floor laughing.
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? naw, but i wish i could.
114.Watched Jerry Springer? THAT SHOW IS FUNNY
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yes, but no. shilly misher yuen blamed it on nev. :) otherwise, teachers generally enjoy my thoughtless prattle. just ask them!
116.Been afraid of the dark? yeah, when i was little...and then after seeing the grudge and saw...
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? yeah
118.Had stitches? thank God no.
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? yeah, but only for like a second. then i was like PHEW thank GOD i dumped that bitch! lol, ONLY KIDDING ABOUT THE SECOND PART
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? people who do that are jackasses...
121.Lied? i lie constantly. or...do i?
122.Been arrested? nope. surprised? itll happen eventually, cuz im black. but so far so good.
123.Fallen asleep in class? yup.
124.Gotten in trouble in class? not bad trouble.
125.Used food for something other than to eat? OH EWW!! OH MY GOD EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
126.Meta celebrity? i met LL Cool J in an Embassy Suites in Philadelphia.
127.Broken the law? MUAHAHA!
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? like brandy? no, although i said so to make them go 'aww!'
129.Hated yourself? i love myself more then i love life itself. errey.
130.Been brokenhearted? Yeah, but it didnt last long.
131.Broken someone's heart? prolly not.
132.Are you a virgin? yes.
133.Done something really stupid? well, one time i watched my friend josh get his head run ober by a bike...but i didnt do it. lol
134.Been arrested? you already asked me you cracka ass ass!
135.Hurt a friend? yeah, but never on purpose...
136.Broken a bone? no, but lots of sprains...
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher? not a REAL crush...she was just hot. OH MS. McDONALD COME BAAAAAAACK!


138. Why do you want to know? what the hell?
139.Guy name? Jordan or Carter
140.Girl name? Rhythm.
141.Nationality? BLACK OF COURSE
142.Color? it was formerly red, but now i think i like green best...
143.Holiday? holidays are either corporate or they're way to stressful to be enjoyable. that being said...christmas. at least i get reimbursed for all the pain i go through. lol
144.Day of the week? Friday
145.Restaurant? Olive Garden!
146.Fastfood restaurant? Wendy's. FEED DAT DOG!
147.Food? food. i love it.
148.Animal? giraffe
149.Pet? giraffe.
150.Store? gamestop-where nerds of all kinds gather, and video game adventures begin
151.Mall? Stratford
152.Clothes brand? i wear clothes.
153.Soda? well, i do enjoy that upside down 7Up...they call it dnL you see...cuz..
154.Alcohol? errey
156.Season? i enjoy...summer.
157.Number? numbers hate me and i hate them.
158.Radio station? 96.3, 107.5, 92.3....
159.Song? either poppin tags, all around the world, or fuck all nite all of which are by jay-z. but thats apt to change any second.
160.Sport? Basketball
161.Vacation spot? -sigh- Stratford, Canada.
163.Country? CANADA DUR!
164.Flower? uhhhh i dont know anything about flowers. daisy! silly great gatsby.
165.Perfume? AXE
166.Thing to do? Chill with the gangsta boyz n gurlz
167.Actor? SANDLER
168.Actress? one o dem hot ones...that misha girl from the oc.
169.Saying? errrrrrrrrrey!
170.Car? oh my beautiful buick, i love you so.
171.Month? Decembre ou Juin. (thats french!)
172.Cartoon? Family Guy or South Park or ATHF or Drawn Together...
173.T.V.Show? one of those silly cartoons.
174.Website? HOMESTAR!!!!!
175.Book? if you count Macbeth...so many memories....but if not, lets go with...Les Mis!
176.Quality about yourself? my personality. i love myself, i told you.
177.Your best friend? Josh
178.Your best guy friend? Josh
179.Your best girl friend? Lauren of Arabia.
180.Fruit? Oranges
181.Vegetable? THERES GOTTA BE AT LEAST 1 I LIKE!!!! but i cant think of it.
182.Meat? beef! im american, silly.
183.Quote? I see i said, jealousy i said, got the whole industry mad at me i said, what he said i said has been said before, get stoned every day like jesus did.
184.Saying? when i die, fuck it i wanna go to hell. cuz im a piece of shit! it aint hard to fuckin tell.
185.Type of movie? Comedy
186.Candy? Shkittles
187.Language? English, because its BEAUTIFUL!
188.Magazine? Hustler, Penthouse, Playboy....lol
189.CD? I think either my Neptunes Cd, my Biggy Cd, or my Jay Z Cd-The Gift and The Curse, the gift part.
191.Movie? Happy Gilmore
193.Singer? Me, of course. im so damn great!
194.Band? Interpol

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