Sep 05, 2007 14:15
OK this Trinity Prep thing is really beginning to piss me off! I'm sorry but it was a horrible choice of show on the teacher's part for three reasons, putting the gay stuff aside it's still an inappropriate show for high schoolers, unless it was an all boys summer camp there is NO WAY she had the amount of guys to put that show on, and finally she knew it was going to be performed on a stage in a RELIGIOUS school. Yeah we might not agree with their views but it's their private institution and it was perfectly in the schools right to not allow them to put on the show. But it doesn't end there, the whole freakin theatre community is getting so angry about this and writing blogs that the kids should overthrow the principle and shit like that. WHY IS THIS NECESSARY!!! THE FREAKIN KIDS IN THE PRODUCTION ARE TAKING THIS BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE! THEY GET WHY THEY WEREN'T ALLOWED TO DO IT WHY CAN'T EVERYONE ELSE! You want something to get angry about? Get angry about the fact that theatre companies all over Orlando are struggling or having to close. Get pissed about that cause I am! And you know they get to perform at Shakespeare yay for them. Let's for get the fact that that same nigh the OTP fundraiser is happening at Shakespeare. But who cares if OTP shuts down as long as the theatre community has supported their gays and "freedom of expression"! IT'S BULLSHIT! I mean they should be able to perform the show but not at the expense of a REAL THEATRE GROUP!
You know what every "theatre" person who is getting all up in arms about this should be ashamed. Where was this anger when the other theatre groups needed it. You know what's wrong, not giving money and support to the professional theatre companies in Orlando, not what happened at that school. Even though we may disagree and think that their decision was based on prejudice, it's a fuckin private establishment, a private RELIGIOUS establishment and they were COMPLETELY in their rights to shut down that show. Yeah the timing sucked but if you want to be angry at someone be angry at the stupid drama teacher who picked that show in the first place.