(no subject)

Jul 19, 2004 21:09

Name: Kegan Ryan Godbey
Birthplace:: Little Rock, Arkansas
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?: I'm the oldest of three.
Family:: Mom, Dad, Andrea, Kaelyn Rose
Pets:: My dog Hannah who is actually my family's dog.

Do you go to school: Not right now. But I'll be going to UNM this fall.
Religion: Agnosticism
Do you have friends?: I'd like to think so.
Do you like to be lonely?: Not really.

What color are your eyes?: Blue
Do you like it?: Yeah. They're good.
What color eyes do you want?: More of a light blue, I guess.
What color is your hair?: Blonde-ish
Do you like it?: It serves its purpose.
What color do you want?: On fire.
Do you dye your hair?: Not anymore.
If yes, how regularly?: Look above.
Do you wear glasses?: Not as much as I should.
Do you have a trademark?: My shamrock tattoo.
How tall are you?: 6 foot even.
What's your heritage/nationality?: Lots of Irish with some weird-ass Portuguese or something my grandmother knows about.
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?: It's not really a style as much as laziness, so yes.
Do you think you look exciting?: Do I?
Are you self concious?: I can be. I'm human.
Do you obsess over your looks?: I've been known to on occasion.
Do you even care about your appearences?: Sometimes. I like to look good.
How long do you spend in the bathroom?: Not too long.

About life... again
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? Wha?
Do you pick your nose? Yes. And I will shout it from the rooftops.
Do you like yourself? Life?: Sure. And sometimes, not really.
Are you liked by people?: That's for you to tell me.
Do you want to become famous?: Not so much famous, but well-known.
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?: I'd like to.
Why?: Because someone has to.
Fun Stuff
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?: None, really.
Blues/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pop/Urban/Country?: Anything that sounds good, or has a nice background beat, I listen to.
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?: If they're wack bitches. Like Good Charlotte fans.
Which pop princess do u love?: You've caught me... None, dumbass.
Can you sing?: I'd like to think I can.
Can you act?: Actually, I know I can.
Who is your fave actor?: I really like Bill Murray.
Fave movie?: I don't have on in particular.
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?: Neither.
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?: Neither.
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?: I'd rather bang Britney, in all honesty.
Slayer or Black Sabbath?: Neither. Who chose these damn bands?
The Beatles or The Monkees?: Beatles.
ABBA or the A Teens?: God, it's sad that I know who these bands are. And neither.
Guilty pleasure?: Hm..... lounging about, and letting my dishes pile up.
The Simpsons or Family Guy?: Family Guy. The Simpsons have gotten kind of sad in the past couple of years.
MTV... yeah or neah?: Hm.... I'm gonna go with nah.

Do you have a group of friends?: Yeah.
How many?: One really big, intertwined group.
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?: Rejects from the casting call of 'Jackass' with one guy in a banana suit.
Who are you closest to?: Samuel, Lucy, Desirae, Drew
Who is your best friend?: See above response
Are any of them bad influences?: Yeah, they all are, but I know it's reciprocal.
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?: Kind of the leader, but it changes from day to day.
Are you dirty minded?: Yeah. I guess.
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?: Samuel... I've been waiting so long to say this... I have no sexual feelings towards you. Ha!
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?: Kind of the guy to pick on, I guess. It kind of sucks.
Do your friends know you?: Depends on the degree of knowing.

Are you single or taken?: I have no fucking clue. We'll go with single.
If single:
Do you want to stay single?: No. Not at all.
Why are you single?: Because I'm waiting for UNM to start.
Do you date around?: Not really. I actually have a hard time talking to ladies.
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?: I broke up with Celina over Spring Break.

Life... yet again.
Are you bored?: That's why I'm doing this.
Can you play any instruments? Which ones? I can kind of play the bongo drums, I'm trying to learn how to scratch on a turntable, and give me an hour to reintroduce myself to a flute and I can probably bust somehting out.
Math or English?: English.
The Arts or Sciences?: Hm.... how about artsy science?
Technical or Creative?: Both.
Are you poetic?: I can be.
How many babies do you want?: Next question.
Do you spend most of your time on the net?: Not at all. I don't even own a computer.
What do you think of your country's leader?: Someone please make the bad man stop.
Do you love me?: Why not?
Why?: Why not?
What kind of meat do you like to eat?: Not beef.
What's your favourite food?: Depends on the genre of food and the current mood I'm in.
Drink?: Mountain Dew, Fanta Pineapple, Water, Tang, hard liquor

Why is this the only type of posts I do? Hm.... well, life is going pretty good. I'm settled in for the most part, and we had the moving-in party, and I'm pretty much back into the grind. Nothing too exciting has really gone on. Except a huge purchase I'm thinking of making. A HUGE purchase. But, you'll find out about that later.
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