dudes scariest dream ever

Dec 08, 2004 12:51

wow man thsi was aweful. ok so i need to say what i was doing so that it all makes sense. this morning it was around 7:50 and our neighbor pounds on our door. turns out hes been up all night doing a paper and he feels that since hes up we should be too. so kevin opens the door and and theyre talking kevin is wispering while vin is just like yelling. im still in bed and with my eyes closed but i can listen to them but all i hear are indistict mumbles. then vin gets over excited about something they were saying so he opens the door and slams it to add passion. thsi is when i raise my arms into the air like "what the hell man" with my eyes still closed and hes like oh sorry and they finish talking and he leaves. soon after i got up to go to class and i was exhausted. i get back and vin is wired cuz hes been up forever and hes looking to talk to people. so about 4 times between 10 and 11 i walk outside to find vin or he walks in and talks... in the meantime kevin is sleeping and i shoulda been doing the same but i got some phone call that took so long i didnt even know who it was some organization trying to give me free government funds. so while i was trying to go to sleep they called and only kevin got some rest. then i go to talk to my philosophy teacher about my grade and i get back about 20 minutes later and vins outside again so we talk about how it went. then i finally hit the sack and try sleeping but it doesnt work. im lying in bed and i turn away facing my wall and a few minutes later i hear kevin get up and go to the bathroom then i dont know how much time later i get up and go talk to vin and i walk into his room. i couldnt even make out what he was saying cuz i walked in and my head REALLY REALLY hurt and i said "dude im gonna pass out." hes like "eddie ur fine" and im like "no man im passing out" and i hit the floor. i remember feeling like my head exploded and my eyes were closed and i could hear voices really far and i feel like the room is tilting and im just rolling around on the floor. i can still think relatively fine although im kinda lieing there motionless and i just get the sudden urge to WAKE UP and my eyes just like erupt. i seriously opened my eyes liek as if they were two volcanoes and i just shot out some lava. the scary part was i woke up and i wasnt in my bed. i remember thinking "no way man no way. no way i didnt just wake up and im not in my dorm" i was sure i was drugged and abducted or somethign and i was like "no way no way" and i was pinching my face saying out loud "im dreaming im dreaming" and im literally grabbing my face and i feel my hands and it hurts when i pinch and im like "shit man im fucked" i remember it was a black bed i woke up in and it had beads lining the edges and the black was shiny enough to pass as leather. the room was wide with a low ceiling and the walls were like wood wallpaper adn im scared shitless. i remember that i was wearing my boots today and i look down and i dont see them on. im wearing the same clothes and im like "shit where are my boots" and now i know im not dreaming-- i wake up my head still hurts, im in the same clothes minus my boots, i pinch my face and i can feel it. so im awake and now for sure and i have to make it out of hear and get back to school. i walk out of the room and theres no door but just an opening the size of a door attached to a room of the same size but directly to my right there was a screen adn a keyborad and in the screen i can see myself and as i walked further my image grew bigger on the screen. so i look for a camera and i dont see one so i turn to my left and theres another opening the size of a door adn theres a black guy at a desk and behind him is stairs and i see another black guy passing by. in my recent memory i remembered i had just gotten off the phone with those free money for eddie people and i was being a real smart aleck with them so im still in the mood to do this so i start off with a smart aleck remark like i know the guy and i say " whats up man how u doing" and he looks up without moving just his eyes move and he says "whats up eddie" and im like whoa he knows my name i was definately abducted. im like "dude, i wanna get outta here" and he says that makes two of us but i didnt here him that well and i said "huh?" but after a little it finally registered in my head that he said "that makes two of us" so as it goes threw again in my head he says it and im like "no way" and i grab my face and it hurts and then my eyes erupt again---they just shoot open and im in my room facing my wall. i close my eyes and open them again and i pinch my face and it seems im really really awake so i get up and i look for vin to see if i actaully went into his room and passed out but hes not there and even as i write thsi i still cant find my boots so i dont know wht happened. i doesnt even seem like i slept cuz almost no time went by. i dont know dudes i think i head a near death encounter or something this is by far the REALEST (i make up words) dream in my entire life and i almost cried afterward. well more on this later i have to go tell me what u think guys.
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