Mar 15, 2009 19:09
Things I've started recently:
--A container garden on the patio. Using The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen I fashioned some iffy self-watering containers, but so far the plants haven't died so I think it must be working out okay. I planted strawberries and poblano peppers in the SWCs, and then basil and cilantro in regular pots. My ailing little mint plant has been much happier since it's been outside, too. So maybe soon I will have my own mint for mojitos...and you know, other stuff.
--A little compost container. It's actually working, and not smelling bad, so I'm pretty excited about that. I have yet to use any, though, because I think it's pretty concentrated stuff and I'm not sure it's know, composting?
--Cleaning with environmentally friendly stuff. I'm trying to avoid chemicals and things now, just to see how it goes. You know, if I catch a lot of germs and diseases and die, I will know that all that green cleaning is bunk. But so far, it's kind of fun to mix up vinegar and water and use it everywhere. I got some castile soap also but so far haven't cleaned thoroughly enough to use it. Probably this week, since the fam is coming (WOO!)
--Rearranging my bedroom. That was fun. I'm still not sure I like it, but I can always move it back the way it was. Although that will probably scar Ella even more deeply. She likes things the way she likes them. Cats are not that into change.
--Cooking kickass black bean enchiladas. I think I found a really good recipe for them. Mmmm so good.
I need to make a new bookshelf or something--I am very tired of that silly old Meijer milk crate holding all my folders and stuff. It gets super dusty and full of cat hair. I found a neat project about making a fabric cover for a milk crate, but rather than go to all that effort, it might be easier to just find/make a little bookshelf. Or somehow magically clear some of the stuff from my other shelf. Anyway.
Also have a trove of plastic bags that can be cut up and turned into a welcome mat. I am feeling awfully crafty lately.
Yet, I still only have 40 things listed on my 101 things to do in 1001 days. I think probably about 90 of those days have gone by already. Hmm.
"He thought when he grew up
that life would be special,
that what he wanted would come easy and clean
But he's using that paycheck
to cover his car wreck
and it turns out that life's the same old mess it's always been."
--Annie Stela, "Clean It Up"