So Frikkin HAWT!

Jul 08, 2005 01:39

I just watched War of the Worlds, It was BRILLIANT, now I don't just mean the FX and what not, I drew my joy from the total destruction. I was probably the only one cheering for the aliens to get Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning....well okay probably not, but I'm definately one of the very few who were cheering for the aliens, not only were they erasing humanity, they were transforming the earth into my vision of paradise *star eyes* though I'm sure I may have given away too much as it is. now I hate it when I accidentally ruin a movie for another person by letting slip a major plot point and I know I've done it many times, so I'm still going to do my best not to do that right now. BUT if you don't want even tiny spoilers STOP READING or SKIP TO THE NEXT BREAK.

*Deep breath* I was truly excited when I first thought that maybe Dakota Fanning was gonna be killed, I had tears of joy in my eyes, then she friggin lived grrr, I hate how hollywood -has- to have a fucking happy ending. I mean what the fuck happened to tragedy? Once. Just FUCKING ONCE. I would like to see the bad guys win and good not triumph over evil. what kind of message is that for children? "Oh, don't worry if something bad happens, everything will be okay," Bullshit. Though, I've never been one for sheltering children from the so called evils of society, for starters evil is a matter of perception, where as Christians see gays as evil, I see the fucking god fearing, pansy assed, fanatics, that can't leave well enough alone, because they read some book, that was supposedly inspired by an all powerful invisible man up in the sky, and since he's infallible, everything in that book must be right and this gives them the right to tell you how to live your life even though it doesn't even effect them, are evil, no scratch that, FUCKING EVIL, yeah that's more how I feel. If I'm evil, no if he even exists let god strike me down now..... no? gee his phone must have been off the hook. Whewf, I seem to have gotten off topic. But other than a few plotholes, Tom Cruise's poor acting (does he even know the meaning of the word?) and outdated perception of intelligent alien life, it was a really good movie and is worthy of joining my DVD collection when it becomes available for purchase.

Kay if you're still interested you can read again. Though most of my "review" ended up bashing Christians and went off topic, though was still mildly related, kinda.

To those who read the review. Perhaps I am evil for having the desire to see all life end, but guess what? If given the chance, I'd make it happen, no hesitation, just poof, with the push of a button, the breaking of a vial, a single thought, and it would all end. Where's your god now? or maybe he'll "work in mysterious ways" to prevent my ever having the chance, or I'll simply be thought of as a horseman of the apocalypse. All that will matter to me would be that I would have acheived my deepest, darkest, desire, and if there is a god, he'd at least give me the chance to spit in his face and flip him off before sending me to hell for destroying his ant farm that he spent the whole sixth day creating (okay I know that the whole "six days" thing can be taken in terms of relative time for an immortal being) because we all know that god loves everyone unconditionally, unless we don't do exactly what he says. Waaaaiiit a second......

Quote: "...If you kill one man, you're a murderer, kill a million, a king, kill them all, a god." -Drake, Blade:Trinity
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