So I'm thinking of starting a cult

May 27, 2005 15:10

It will be called the Pantsless Society of Edmonton and it's dedicated to well pantslessness. i spent sometime last night writing up some rules and here they are:Dogma of the Pantsless Society of Edmonton

1) Members are encouraged to be pantsless while in private, pantsless means the removal of all forms of pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, underwear worn over the groin and pubic hair.
2) Members are not to stare at other members below waist unless given express permission from that member.
3) The pantsless society is not an excuse for people to see members without their pants on, it is a place where people can come together and be pantsless as a group.
4) Members are allowed to have sex because of pantslessness; however, sex is not expected of members.
5) Any touching and/or fondling of members will only be tolerated if the members involved consent and it does not make any other member in the area uncomfortable.
6) Members are expected to have their pubic hair removed; as pubic hair is simply a form of underpants and thus should be removed along with one’s pants.
7) Donations to The Pantsless Society are neither required nor encouraged but will be accepted as gifts to the pantsless society.
8) Shirts may be worn as long as they are not so long as to cover the pubic area; however, shirts may be removed at the member’s discretion.
9) Any member in violation of any of the rules, will be dealt with as the situation requires, with a 2/3rds vote of the members, no member is immune to this action for violation of the rules including the founders.
10) Future amendments to the rules will require a unanimous vote by the members
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