when we were love, when things were better than they are...

Jan 13, 2009 22:27

I am constantly terrified of having appendicitis. I consider it at least once a day. Any stomach ache or phantom stitch in my side is a possible precursor to inflammation. Any pain I might have triggers minor panic.

Several months ago, my cousin nearly died from her appendix bursting. She was going through a tough separation from her husband (they're fine now) and had convinced herself that the incredible pain she was experiencing was simply psychosomatic/stress related. She spent several days in the hospital.

And now because of this stupid shit occuring (Short story: Laura's no longer interested in being friends with me. Or even acknowledging my presence. I'm coming to realize that I'm just plain tired of whatever's going on) I have a near constant stomach ache. Something inside me twists and turns and hurts so badly whenever I think about my stressful stuff.

Psychosomatic, yes. Painful, yes. Panic-inducing, yes.

Helpful? Not in the slighest.

PS. Ordered some new manga. My friend was just in the hospital for Scarlet Fever. (She's home now, but not sounding very good.) I keep missing Lissa's phone calls. I got the part I really wanted in the play!! :D I'm truly heinous at calculus.

My interview with Harvard is tomorrow night at 8:30. I'm currently in the midst of scheduling my Princeton one. All the Ivy's jumped on me today. I got an e-mail from the Princeton guy while at school (just e-mailed him back) and I got a call during NCIS from a man from Harvard who was like "Oh, um, wanna come over to my house tomorrow night?" and I was like *FREAKED OUT HIGH PITCHED VOICE* "SURE!"

So totally the story of my life. I'll keep you guys updated. :D


I swear I'm sending your xmas present soon (I'm a super doof for being so behind, but don't feel so bad - absolutely none of my friends have gotten their presents) and I have something in the works for you, writing-wise! Love you dearly! And from now on, we'll just count backwards on your birthday. So next year, you'll be 19 again. :D

birthday, lissa lissa bo bissa, friends: rl, senior year, stress baby stress, drama-llama not for momma plz, school, college: waiting, presents, college: applying, jules is a waterwhore, college: interviews

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