Hello my dears! I just wanted to plug a Beatles-related community of mine here, see if some of you might be interested.
(xposted, sorry!)
Click on the picture to enter or have a look
here for a Beatles pic-spam I did to go with this plug!
Nothing Is Real is a role play community I created a while ago, and which has been going on strong for more than a year now, reaching more than a hundred members and about 4000 posts! It's a free all time-spans and places community though, so always looking for new players should you be interested. We accept all levels of role players and any character Beatles-related! Our posts are friends-only but you can also just join to read the threads obviously, some are real stories.
I you are interesting in role playing in the Beatles universe, don't be scared to have a look around at the rules and introduction posts, an PM me if you have any questions! Role playing is pretty much like reading/writing fan-fiction, except that you do it with one or several other people, which is always good fun, unexpected and stimulating. Hoping the see you around!