Well, most of my saleable stories are sitting with the BFS's FantasyCon07 competition. A whim of mine. I'll be there at Nottingham anyway in September - my first FantasyCon - so it'll be interesting to see who takes the short story prize. I won't be holding my breath, although however bad your work is there is always a glimmer of hope that someone will find your stories entertaining. If I secretly didn't believe that I wouldn't be writing.
The only other short story I have out is with Trevor Denyer's
Midnight Street. I haven't sent him anything since 2004 but I met him the other month at a BFS meeting so I thought I'd give him a try again. I've only finished two short stories in the last year, due mainly to my work on
Murky Depths. I'm really pleased with the way Issue #1 has turned out and, though biased, believe it is worth £6.99. I'd much rather see my own stories printed in a quality mag like
Murky Depths than in something like
Fiction although they, like a lot of fanzines, seem to be taking the PDF route. But then, they're not also artists like me. And
Murky Depths is, to me, a work of art - in every sense.