two videos

Jun 26, 2009 12:15

two fan videos because I'm cool [lazy] like that:
Title: Rain
Author: parlai 
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Song: "Rain" by Patty Griffin (1x17 The Skull in the Desert)
Summary: For Lil. (:
--Title: 84 Days 'Til Season 5!
Author: parlai 
Pairing: --
Song: "Wake Up" by The Living End
Summary: 84 episodes of Bones & 84 days 'til Bones Season 5, WOOOO! Cleverest thing I've ever come up with in my life rofl

rain (patty griffin)

image Click to view

pretty angsty vid, haha.
wake up (the living end)

image Click to view

bones season 5 countdown!

bones, season 5, fanvid

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