6x02 The Couple in the Cave

Sep 30, 2010 23:14

Don't read if you don't want to know. OK?

This episode which sees the surprise arrival of Booth's new girlfriend the TV journalist Hannah Burley wasn't actually as bad as I had feared. They did a good job making her sympathetic, genuine. Brennan was shown thinking aloud about Booth & Hannah and Booth & herself quite a lot. She continues her development of being social, expressing things. She clearly is jealous or rather melancholic almost but not retreating in her shell. She is jealous of what B & H have, the ease, the naturalness of their relationship. She is melancholic about her missed chance with Booth, superficially brushing the 100th episode and 7 months apart off but bringing it up too often hence contradicting her words. She is not mad at Booth because he does seem joyous, uncomplicatedly happy which Brennan recognizes is something he derserves. She wishes she could give him that but still leans towards not. She is also not really jealous of Hannah, is even able to appreciate her buoyant assertiveness and energy. Of course, we don't see how well Brennan does in private anymore... It's nice to see how bold Cam and even Dr. Clark are about calling things as they see them: B & B were clearly a couple before. Brennan takes it all in, listens, absorbs, poses poignant questions. All signs point at Hannah leaving the scene eventually because the White House posting she's now got will be too boring. She will flee the coop and go abroad again. The only question is under what circumstances with Booth. It has to make B & B plausible even if only in the long run. By the way, Hannah might pick up, investigate Cam's veteran brain damage cause, that would suit her perfectly, don't you think?

All in all, I'm not as pessimistic as before which doesn't mean I'm not still sore about all the inconsistencies and implausabilities of episodes 5x22 and 6x01. These however are not Hannah's or Booth's or Brennan's fault. Hanson and Nathan are responsible for the misguided plot lines. With time and episodes at least as decent as today's though, I may forgive them   :-)  One more thing: the song Everyday by Toby Lightman toward the end was beautiful. I didn't know the singer. The Washington-DC-by-night fly-over during which it played did seem oddly superfluous to me. Almost as if they needed some filler. Oh well...

booth, brennan, hart hanson, review, cam, music, season 5, season 6

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