...and a Happy New Year! Felice Anno Nuovo!

Dec 31, 2005 11:13

A very short update, just to wish a Happy New Year to all of you!

I'm really enjoying my holidays, although I also have to study a bit. But I definitely needed to have some time to relax, too; my days had become full of things to do lately at uni, I often arrived at night (quite late in the night, to be honest) having done only a small part of all the things I had programmed. Whatever. I had a great Christmas, and on December 27th it even snowed a lot, which used to be quite unusual here until three years ago... and luckily it happens now I'm on holidays, so I don't even have to go out and I can just enjoying seeing my street covered in white from the inside of a warm house (and don't have to go out in the freezing street to come back covered in snow... ahem, yes, I'm too lazy to go out there just for the sake of it... call me boring if you want...).

So well, once again, Happy 2006 to all of you!
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