Title: Early Risers
katers007 Fandom: “True Blood”
Summary: “What is to give light must endure burning.” While with the Fellowship waiting to meet the sun, a sleepless Godric and Jason share a morning neither expected to see. Amidst the growing threat of war their encounter will catapult them onto a course to defend a world in which they no longer fit. In the end, each must answer this question: is the road to salvation really one of sacrifice or self-service?
Characters: Godric, Jason, Steve, Gabe (with Luke, Sarah, Eric, Sookie, Bill, Stan, Isabelle, Pam, and Nan in subsequent chapters)
Pairings: Part I: Steve/Sarah (referenced), Jason/Sarah
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, AU after episode 205: “Never Let Me Go”
Status: Parts 1-4 completed
Word Count: 28,505 (so far)
Warning: Strong language, some eventual violence via explosions and combat
Disclaimer/ Notes: All things “True Blood” are not mine and I gain no compensation from this work aside from the pleasure of playing around with the characters. The quote used in the summary is by Viktor Frankl. Quotes in the story are centered and from Andrew Boyd’s “Daily Afflictions.” Many thanks to
smarvelous for the awesome beta job.
Part 1: Where Godric offers himself to the Fellowship, Gabe earns a promotion, and for once Jason tries to avoid getting lucky in the Biblical sense. )