
Mar 23, 2007 07:05

So, I've noticed I haven't been myself lately. Much like those muscle fellows, I've turned soft. Weak. Fickle. I've lost my edge.


But I assure you, Dark Schneider is NOT a push over. You folks better not take me lightly, especially just because I have a soft spot for Kazuki. I STILL plan on taking over the world! I'm not afraid of a silly clock. I will decide when the worlds are going to end and fuck -- that isn't any time soon! Not while I'm around!

Nothing can stop me! Not even Death itself! AAHAHAHAHAHA!

Except for Miss Yoko, mom, dad, and Kazuki.

[OOC: THE MUSE. IT LIVES! 8D Strikes are viewable only to those people, you know, except Yoko. 'cause she isn't here. XD]

fear me, the world is mine, kazuki, miss yoko, i fucking rule, why am i so fucking awesome?

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