Jan 06, 2025 23:39
August 1999: Catch a 10-lb. largemouth bass, the largest caught at Camp Eastman that year. Later that month when school starts any my computer class has me establish a yahoo e-mail account, I form the sceen name of "bassman_sts" (That's still my Yahoo handle but I only use it for Y Messenger and groups nowadays. All the e-mail account does is collect spam) I also begin writing Road Rovers fanfics at this time, which gets my foot into the door of furry fandom at the age of 17 (I am now 29).
September 1999: I download AIM (screen name "BassManSTS," which I still use) and Furcadia (as "BassMan") originally acting like a knock-off of Orgasmo. That character's real name then: "H. Bassworth Manning"
November 1999: When I accidently delete my old "BassMan" account on Furcadia and forget the password, I create "BassMan the II"
December 1999: I form the ORIGINAL Furcadian Championship Wrestling
March 2000: After acquiring Mason2000's Furcadia Wrestling Federation and Gold Lynx's SmackDown Hotel rosters, Furcadian Championship Wrestling becomes the Furcadian Wrestling Federation.
January 2002: For the 1st time in FWF, BassMan the II's real name is revealed: Maynard Von Schnauzer, Jr. He also marries Lilly Chambers on Furcadia
April 2002: BassMan the II and Lilly Chambers divorce (Note: we were only cyber mates, nothing else happened!) No pups resulted from that relationship
January 2008: The last FWF-sanctioned show is held
March 2008: "BassMan the II" is retired as any time past this point I play Furcadia (which is rarely nowadays), I'm known simply as "BassMan." I also become well-known in the fandom during this period simply as "BassMan" Maynard Von Schnauzer, Jr. simply becomes known as Maynard Von Schnauzer as well.
November 2009: I catch an even bigger largemouth bass: a fat 13-pounder in my boss's pond!
Sometime in 2010: I change my main fursona to Maynard Von Schnauzer to Rocco Racclown
November 2013: I work my last carnival: A sandlot in McAllen, TX between the Fun Zone and the Hobby Lobby
July 2015: After 16 years in the fandom, I FINALLY make it to a convention: ANTHROCON in Pittsburgh!
Feb. 2016: I attend and SuperSponsor Fur Squared in Brookfield, WI!
Who is who in my word:
"BassMan" is simply the human behind it all (real name Steve Sandell), though in the FWF, he was the schnauzer behind it all as well.
"Rocco Racclown" is my current main fursona. He was inspired by years of carnival work! Like the last name suggests, he's a raccoon clown. The racc relates to the kind of clown many dunk tank clowns are, because like raccs, they can be michievious at times, but aren't necessarily evil.
"Maynard Von Schnauzer" was my original main fursona from 1999-2010, an anthro-schnauzer who is in his mid-30s, like "BassMan," is a carny by trade nowadays, but in character, is also a former pro wrestler and pro wrestling promoter. He was named after my 2nd dog IRL who died in 2005, sad to say.
"Steve Von Schnauzer" (Triple-S) was my main wrestling fursona in the FWF and is the younger brother of Maynard.
"Jav A. Junkie the Coffee Cat" originated in 1999 as a mascot to link my websites together, but was lost by the end of 2000. He returned on the DTP oekaki board in 2007. He is Maynard's best friend and "sidekick" character if you will. Maynard works games in the carnival while Jav works rides and drives the semis. (God I need to write some stories about these guys!!!)
"Robin Marx" originated in Feb. of 2007 on the DTP oekaki board as "Hi-Striker Vixen" as my response to their "Bizzarro Valentine" theme. In later art, I gave her the name Robin Marx. She and Maynard know and generally get along with each other, but don't get very intimate mainly because Maynard knows where she's been.
"The Furlander" (Roderick MacVulp) had been in my brain since 2007, but it was just a week ago I decided to finally bring him to life in writing and art.